freeswitch queue队列动态获取(dialplan,gateway同理),我做的每一步都写上了,有兴趣的可以看看
2021-02-19 13:01:59 122KB freeswitch\ queue
进程间 Cloudtoid Interprocess是跨平台的共享内存队列,用于进程之间的快速通信( )。 它使用共享的内存映射文件在进程之间进行极其快速和高效的通信,并且在Microsoft内部使用。 :非常快。 跨平台:它支持Windows以及基于Unix的操作系统,例如Linux, 和 。 :提供简单直观的API来排队/发送和出队/接收消息。 多个发布者和订阅者:它支持共享队列中的多个发布者和订阅者。 :发送和接收消息几乎不需要分配堆内存,从而减少了垃圾回收。 :由Microsoft的人员开发。 NuGet软件包 此库的NuGet包发布。 注意:为了提高性能,该库仅支持具有64位处理器体系结构的64位CLR。 尝试在32位处理器,32位操作系统或上使用此库可能会抛出NotSupportedException 。 用法 该库支持.NET Core 3.1+和.NET
平方消费 在没有样板的情况下构建基于SQS的应用程序。 只需定义一个处理SQS消息处理的异步函数即可。 安装 npm install sqs-consumer --save 用法 const { Consumer } = require ( 'sqs-consumer' ) ; const app = Consumer . create ( { queueUrl : '' , handleMessage : async ( message ) => { // do some work with `message` } } ) ; app . on ( 'error' , ( err ) => { console . error ( err . message ) ; } ) ; app . on ( 'processing_error' , ( err ) => { console . error ( err . message ) ; } )
2021-02-01 23:08:12 59KB javascript aws sqs polling
现在硬件越来越便宜,一台非品牌服务器,2颗24核CPU,配48G内存,2T的硬盘,已经降到2万块人民币以下了。这种配置如果简单地放几个web应用,显然是奢侈的浪费。就算是用来实现单节点的hadoop,对计算资源浪费也是非常高的。对于这么高性能的计算机,如何有效利用计算资源,就成为成本控制的一项重要议题了。通过虚拟化技术,我们可以将一台服务器,拆分成12台VPS,每台2核CPU,4G内存,40G硬盘,并且支持资源重新分配。多么伟大的技术啊!现在我们有了12个节点的hadoop集群, 让Hadoop跑在云端,让世界加速。ZooKeeper是一
2021-01-30 20:08:31 166KB ZooKeeper实现分布式队列Queue
2019年8月8日为止rabbitmq最新版本,版本号为3.7.17 64位安装程序,需要的拿走。
2021-01-28 04:32:39 9.61MB rabbitmq 3.7.17 64 queue
spring boot jsm ibmmq topic queue 两种方式实现
2021-01-28 00:32:47 10.27MB jms ibm
我是参考城通网盘, 扒加修改出来的 效果和城通网盘差一样.. 城通网盘应该用的是 plupload 的1.5.7 . 既然有新版本,自然用新的啦, 所以自己用当前最新的 2.1.2 改了一套. 使用方式,请看我的博客文章:
2020-02-04 03:12:45 246KB plupload
2020-02-04 03:06:27 87KB C# ajax
Project 2: Jumping the Queue The beginning of a winter break near Spring Festival is always the beginning of a peak period of transportation. If you have ever tried to get a train ticket at that time, you must have witnessed the endless queues in front of every ticket box window. If a guy has seen his friend in a queue, then it is very much likely that this lucky guy might go straight to his friend and ask for a favor. This is called "jumping the queue". It is unfair to the rest of the people in the line, but, it is life. Your task is to write a program that simulates such a queue with people jumping in every now and then, assume that, if one in the queue has several friends asking for favors, he would arrange their requests in a queue of his own. Input Specification: Your program must read test cases from a file “input.txt”. The input file will contain one or more test cases. Each test case begins with the number of groups n (1<= n <=1000). Then n group descriptions follow, each one consisting of the number of friends belonging to the group and those people's distinct names. A name is a string of up to 4 characters chosen from {A, B, ..., Z, a, b, ..., z}. A group may consist of up to 1000 friends. You may assume that there is no one belong to two different groups. Finally, a list of commands follows. There are three different kinds of commands:  ENQUEUE X - Mr. or Ms. X goes into the queue  DEQUEUE - the first person gets the ticket and leave the queue  STOP - end of test case The input will be terminated by a value of 0 for n. Output Specification: For each test case, output to a file “output.txt”. First print a line saying "Scenario #k", where k is the number of the test case. Then, for each DEQUEUE command, print the person who just gets a ticket on a single line. Print a blank line between two test cases, but no extra line at the end of output. Sample Input: 2 3 Ann Bob Joe 3 Zoe Jim Fat ENQUEUE Ann ENQUEUE Zoe ENQUEUE Bob ENQUEUE Jim E
2020-01-13 03:16:55 37KB Jumping the Queue
链式队列是不同于循环数组的另一种队列的实现形式。队列中的元素以Node形式存储。节点Node中存有此节点存于队列中的元素以及指向下一个元素的指针。链式队列的需要保存指向队头和队尾的指针的数据成员。 参见博客:
2019-12-21 22:02:10 823KB Linked Queue