ETS364完整的程序开发培训资料,674页的PDF文件 System overview basic system layout Hardware overview pin location overview introduction to RAIDE tools Measurement Basics Analaysis of DUT Create First Project & review test executive Groups, grouping and sites Lab Assignments APU-12, SPU-100 & debug fundamentals Basics of Pattern based testing pattern based testing of a DUT Groupset accumulator Optimizing a test Introduction to Per Pin digital introduction of digital test concepts Master Clock ( MCU-66) DPU-16 QTMU SYstem features DPU-16 pins Vector Editor Debugging Tips1 Project Restore Debugging Tips2 Debugging Using RAIDE Mixed Signal Viewer - DIgital style Debug with vector editor Miscellaneous - capture data review of raide VEC buttons Digital excample - dpinvecblockread, dpinvecblockwrite, capture data with PSQ Digital Example - dpintimeset:unique timesets per site Digital Example - dpingetfailpins & dpingetfaildata ....... 目录都太多了,自己看吧....
2021-04-23 10:31:11 60.35MB Eagle测试机开发培训资料 ETS Tester trian
Mathematics for programmers (early draft)
2021-04-10 20:02:48 1.88MB 数学
2021-04-01 10:57:45 995KB idea book
2021-03-18 15:38:33 35.97MB 第三版
Embedded Systems Architecture A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers 英文版 (pdf) 嵌入式系统:硬件与软件架构(英文版)
2021-03-10 11:37:57 7.6MB Embedded Systems Architecture 英文版
TIPC是爱立信公司提出的一种透明进程间通信协议, 主要适用于高可用(HAL)和动态集群环境. 该软件当前主要由风河(windriver)公司在维护, 主要支持Linux, Solaris 和 VxWorks三种操作系统, 从Linux内核2.6.34开始支持TIPC的最新版本2.0, 不过还有很多协议设计的功能没有实现。
2021-01-30 20:02:14 67KB tipc socket linux
LibEvent Programmers ManualMany UNIX programs are event-driven. They spend most of their time waiting for an event, such as input from a file descriptor, expiration of a timer, or a signal, and then react to that event.
2021-01-28 03:24:09 2.43MB 网络接口 网络协议
2020-01-21 03:17:38 7.2MB SAS 入门书籍
Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox. This book is the only complete reference for both Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0, the very latest version of Ruby. 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of the Ruby language. We’re proud that throughout its history, we’ve continued to cover the latest version of Ruby. Would you like to go from first idea to working code much, much faster? Do you currently spend more time satisfying the compiler instead of your clients or end users? Are you frustrated with demanding languages that seem to get in your way, instead of getting the work done? Are you using Rails, and want to dig deeper into the underlying Ruby language? If so, then we’ve got a language and book for you! Ruby is a fully object-oriented language, much like the classic object-oriented language, Smalltalk. Like Smalltalk, it is dynamically typed (as opposed to Java or C++), but unlike Smalltalk, Ruby features the same conveniences found in modern scripting languages such as Perl and Python. The combination of the power of a pure object-oriented language with the convenience of a scripting language makes Ruby a favorite tool of intelligent, forward-thinking programmers. The Pickaxe contains four major sections: An acclaimed tutorial on using Ruby. The definitive reference to the language. Complete documentation of all built-in classes, modules, and methods. Complete descriptions of all 97 standard libraries. This is the reference manual for Ruby, including a description of all the standard library modules, a complete reference to all built-in classes and modules (including all the new and changed methods introduced by Ruby 1.9, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, and 2.0). It also includes all the new and changed syntax and semantics introduced since Ruby 1.8. Learn about the new parameter passing rules, local variable scoping in blocks, fibers, and the new block declaration syntax, am
2020-01-03 11:26:37 20.97MB ruby
本书共有27章和3个附录,大致分成3个部分。第1部分为第1章,介绍了VBA编程和Excel对象模型的基础知识。第2部分为第2章~第27章,通过大量的实例介绍了Excel的关键对象,并介绍了Excel 2007新的Office XML文件格式和RibbonX开发技术,其中一些章节专门介绍了为提取各种格式的数据而访问外部数据库的详细技术,最后4章探讨了将Excel链接到Internet、为国际兼容性编写代码、VBE编程以及如何使用Win32 API函数等高级话题。第3部分为附录,提供了Excel 2007对象模型以及VBE和Office对象模型的所有对象,并包括相应的所有属性、方法和事件以及相关示例。   本书介绍的开发技术都是许多优秀的VBA程序员多年经验交流、归纳、总结的成果。本书适合从基础到高级的Excel用户和程序员,特别是希望在Excel应用程序中利用VBA语言功能的Excel用户阅读。
2019-12-21 22:14:37 5.54MB vba excel