If you like this pack, do check out other Polygonal assets in the store list link provided above. You will find more similar assets that you can use together with this asset. For eg: Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Wings Pack Polygonal Creatures Pack Polygonal Aliens Pack Polygonal Skeletons Pack Polygonal Robot Hermit Polygonal Frightfly and more! Polygonal Series 3D models are in faceted style. Texture size is small and asset textures remain clear when close up. It will be a good addition to other faceted style environment packs. Polygonal Fantasy Pack Polygonal Fantasy Pack is a 3D assets pack with modular 3D characters and environment props in faceted style for your game development. Customize the look of your fantasy characters with attachable accessories and weapons like pauldrons, necklaces, swords, wands, shields and helmets etc. Change character's face to create different heroes for your game. Change character's costumes to give them a different work class like knight, mage and archer! Check out the tutorial images in the preview section to find out how to customize them. Note that: 1) No script is included in this pack. This is a 3d assets pack only. 2) No character animations are included in this pack. Characters are humanoid mecanim ready. It's compatible with Maximo animations. 3) Please see preview images and videos to know more about the content. The demo scenes in the package require the following free assets. Please download and import them into your project. 1) Post Processing Stack 2) Cinemachine 3) Unity's Standard assets > Character 3D files are in FBX and texture files are in PSD in the package. Additional fee may be required for other files. _________________________________ What is included in the pack? Costumes: - 360 base prefabs ( 3 skin color variation. Male and Female) - 7 color variations ( silver and gold version each) for costumes. Male (Number of mesh designs) : - 18 torso - 20 bottom - 6 shoes - 5 hands - 10 belts Femal
2021-07-23 21:06:19 121B unity polygon lowpoly shader
一款低多边形资源包,包括角色、道具、武器、车辆和环境资源,以创建军事主题的低多边形风格游戏。 用这款可靠的现代战争套装打造终极战场游戏。 模块部分可以很轻松地以各种方式组合。 (包括演示场景) 主要功能 - 509 unique assets with x24 alternative texture colors. 车辆 (x10) - 刚性船体的船只、美式坦克、俄式坦克、摩托车、装甲车、轻型装甲车、小轿车、军用卡车、大型货机、越野车。 (并提供被损毁的版本) 角色 (x15) -70 多岁的女性、商务男性、伪装者、女蛮人、女雇佣兵、男雇佣兵 - 女军人、男军人、乡下男人、胸罩女、赤膊男、运动女01、运动女02、运动男01、运动男02。 (具有备选颜色) 远程武器 (x19) - 手榴弹发射器、火箭筒、突击步枪、手枪、信号枪、机枪、狙击步枪、霰弹枪、冲锋枪。 (有 28 种皮肤) 近战武器 (x7) - 消防斧、镐、撬棍、平底锅、大砍刀、棒球棒、防暴盾。 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画) - 随附大量精彩内容(详情请参阅布局截图) - 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画) - 包括自定义着色器以与可脚本化渲染管线 LWRP 一起使用(需要 Unity 2019.1 或更高版本)
2021-07-20 17:07:46 24.15MB unity3d
很不错的粒子特效 为我们的游戏添加很多欢乐和趣味ok
2021-07-08 14:08:09 18.52MB unity 粒子
Unity POLYGON - Sci-Fi City Pack 1.13_未来科技低面数场景,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/140WdMHU6WGepFx53guuqWw,购买之前请先确认链接可用,文件里是链接密码。资源仅供大家学习交流,下载的文件很小,是因为这是网盘的资源链接的密码,资源在网盘中,请大家确认链接有效后,放心下载。
2021-06-28 18:09:28 4B lowPoly 未来科技 低面数 场景
2021-06-17 17:04:39 230KB vs2010 MFC polygon c++
A low poly asset pack of Space ships, characters, props, weapons, FX, and environment assets to create a Sci-Fi themed polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.
2021-05-29 23:15:55 75.6MB POLYGON Sci-Fi Space 模型
Unity3D POLYGON - Samurai Pack 精美日本传统武士时期场景。POLYGON - Samurai Pack 1.0,包含人物模型,武士模型等。
2021-05-18 15:55:57 14.3MB Unity3D POLYGON Samurai Pack
polyrnn-pp-pytorch:用于Polygon-RNN ++的PyTorch培训工具代码(CVPR 2018)
2021-04-24 17:18:07 985KB deep-learning annotation pytorch labelling
2021-03-24 11:57:30 3.26MB 2D 多边形 碰撞 Polygon
2021-03-23 15:50:22 90KB polygon fit