杰维斯·穆恩迪数值算法与复杂性Jenkins-Traub算法2013年5月 介绍 该项目包含提供Jenkin-Traub算法实现的代码。 该算法比牛顿法(具有2阶,即二次收敛)的算法更快,可以找到多项式的根。 它可以处理复杂的系数和根,并且不会遇到稳定性问题。 对于该算法的概述,有关该算法的是一个很好的起点。 更完整的细节可以在Jenkins和Traub于1968年撰写并于1970年发表的找到。 要求 已在Python 2.7+上测试 怎么跑 该程序接受两个参数,其中之一是必需的。 这些在下面描述。 python main.py -p [Polynomial] -e [error] Where: [Polynomial] Required Parameter. This is a listing of all coefficients of t
2022-09-10 03:15:20 10KB Python
Paperback: 170 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (August 3, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1783553472 ISBN-13: 978-1783553471 About This Book Explore continuous integration and automation, along with how to manage and configure Jenkins Discover the process of using Jenkins to build, test, and package Java applications Learn about the extensible features of Jenkins with the use of advanced plugins Who This Book Is For If you are a Jenkins novice or beginner with a basic understanding of continuous integration, then this is the book for you. Beginners in Jenkins will get quick hands-on experience and gain the confidence to go ahead and explore the use of Jenkins further. What You Will Learn Get to grips with the challenges faced by developer communities Learn about continuous integration and how it helps in building various Java applications Facilitate the installation and configuration of Jenkins Install and configure code repositories and build tools Explore the integration of Eclipse with code repositories Manage the integration of Jenkins, code repositories, and build tools Familiarize yourself with continuous integration for Java applications with unit test execution and static code analysis In Detail In agile development practices, developers need to integrate their work frequently to fix bugs or to create a new feature or functionality. To integrate all work efficiently and verify it is an error-prone and time-consuming manual task. Jenkins is used specifically for continuous integration, helping to enforce the principles of agile development. This book begins by tackling the installation of the necessary software dependencies and libraries you'll need to perform continuous integration for a Java application. From there, you'll integrate code repositories, applications, and build tools for the implementation of continuous integration. Finally, you'll explore the automated deployment of an application in Tomcat, along with details on managing and configuring Jenkins based on your requirements by using plugins.
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