2021-07-25 17:02:20 69KB BunifuDataViz_1.
LibXL is a library that can read and write Excel files. It doesn't require Microsoft Excel and .NET framework, combines an easy to use and powerful features. Library can be used to •Generate a new spreadsheet from scratch •Extract data from an existing spreadsheet •Edit an existing spreadsheet LibXL can help your applications in exporting and extracting data to/from Excel files with minimum effort. Also it can be used as report engine. Library can be used in C, C++, C#, Delphi, Fortran and other languages. Supports Excel 97-2003 binary formats (xls) and Excel 2007-2013 xml formats (xlsx/xlsm). Supports Unicode and 64-bit platforms. There are a wrapper for .NET developers and separate Linux, Mac and iOS editions. See features of the library in demo.xls or demo.xlsx files.
2021-07-20 14:20:09 4.36MB LibXL Windows 真正完美版
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U盘防复制防拷贝软件是一款专业的U盘加密软件专业数据保护软件,可用于各种SD卡、TF卡、U盘和移动硬盘。 具有文件防复制、防另存为、防打印、防截图、防录屏软件、防病毒破坏等功能——真正的防拷贝U盘。 有效防止劳动成果和机密数据被剽窃!可将任意普通U盘制作成防拷贝U盘。 超时代 U盘防拷贝系统(Cracked By 破小孩) U盘防拷贝系统 破解版.exe DHook.dll DHook_64.dll DKey.dll DllLoader.exe DllLoader_64.exe EDOG.dll Key.dll MonP.dat MonP.dat WList.dat
2021-07-06 15:44:46 5.11MB 数据安全 加密
Enhance Your .NET Application with Explorer Functions The ShellBrowser .NET Components is a set of UI controls that look and behave exactly like the Windows Explorer. In short: You can use them to integrate explorer components in your applications or even build your own explorer. Homepage: https://www.jam-software.com/shellbrowser_net/
2021-07-03 15:00:02 4.89MB ShellBrowser
2021-07-02 23:34:13 9.89MB VideoGrabber
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2021-06-28 20:18:06 19.92MB BusinessSkinForm v8.20 Cracked for
TOPS Pro 5.6, 包装设计及运输装货优化软件,为包装及配送专业人士使用。集装箱及货物装箱策划软件可以输出高效率、立体的 装箱计划,适用于货车、集装箱、拖车及列车,以优化货物分布及方形箱的使用。 解压密码:3514
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替换式补丁,2021.1.21发布的Visual Assist 2399版本,本人在VC6/VC2010/VC2017/VC2019 中亲测可用,完美兼容最新的2019。
2021-06-24 13:01:10 46.74MB VAX VS2019