compiler-explorer, 从你的浏览器交互运行编译器并与程序集交互 编译器资源管理器编译器资源管理器是交互式编译器。 左窗格显示可以编辑的C/C++/Rust/Go/D/Haskell/Swift 代码。 在编译代码时,使用给定的编译器和设置编译了代码。 支持多个编译器,并且用户界面布局是可以
2022-05-06 18:21:24 2.02MB 开源
Y86仿真器 Y86 ISA模拟器和虚拟机是用Java编写的汇编程序和模拟器。 它支持: 所有y86 64位指令(四字) 分步执行 每条指令后检查寄存器,标志和存储器的内容 语法高亮 立即显示编译时错误 断点支持 附加数学指令:multq,divq,modq,sarq,slrq,salq,orq,incq,decq,negq,notq,bangq 进位标志,无符号跳转指令,无符号条件移动指令 控制台和6条新的输入和输出指令:getc,getq,gets,outc,outq,outs
2022-05-06 17:34:48 1.93MB compiler assembly assembler systems
LLVM Language Reference Manual 即 LLVM IR MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure for Domain Specifi
2022-05-06 09:01:48 115.25MB LLVMIR MLIR
详细地讲解了absoft pro fortran 编译器的用法
2022-05-05 11:34:42 2.31MB absoft fortran compiler
2022-05-05 10:28:44 376KB verilog 综合 软件
CFortranTranslator:从Fortran到C ++的翻译器
2022-05-04 22:44:31 760KB converter parser compiler cpp
Android Cross Compiler
2022-05-02 09:06:11 195KB android
My career at Synopsys spanned 9 years and was focused entirely on front-end design. With each new position within the company (FAE, Trainer, Consultant, Manager) I learned more about high level design, coding styles, synthesis, scripting, optimization techniques, timing closure, timing convergence and QoR. What I have noticed about the industry today, is that it is focused on the wrong end of the development cycle. Fixing timing problems with better placement technology is more of a last ditch effort than a state of the art approach. Ultimately, if the problem can’t be fixed with placement – the designer has to go back to their RTL code and re-write it to fix the problem. Code it correctly from the beginning, anticipating implementation roadblocks and barriers, and you won’t need the big fancy tools to solve your timing convergence/closure problems later in the design cycle.
2022-04-30 15:15:02 161KB RTL Coding Design Compiler
2022-04-28 18:34:14 11KB Java
编译器 使用 lex 和 yacc ,生成解析树和符号表
2022-04-24 20:50:00 79KB C