这是论文“PCA based Edge-preserving Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, 55(12), 7140-7151.”的代码,更多细节可以在论文中找到。 如果你使用这个演示,请引用这篇论文。 要运行此演示,您应该先下载 libsvm-3.22。 libsvm-3.22 可在https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/ 获得
2022-11-19 19:43:23 5.73MB matlab
基于Blutility的Fbx导入器(虚幻引擎4) 该存储库包含C ++函数库(已暴露给蓝图),可在blutilities中使用该库来批量导入UE4中的fbx文件。
2022-11-15 17:29:51 14KB C++
Coherently demodulated orbital angular momentum shift keying system using a CNN-based image identifier as demodulator
2022-11-15 16:04:00 1.19MB 研究论文
KVM(Kernel based Virtual Machine)+OpenVswitch搭建SDN基础设施层
2022-11-12 15:16:43 456KB kvm OpenVswitch
Rock thin sections identification based on improved squeeze-and
2022-11-12 09:31:42 11.16MB 深度学习 卷积神经网络 岩石图像
This document describes an object format for carrying geographical information on the Internet. This location object extends the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF).
2022-11-11 13:28:47 70KB rfc4119 标准 PIDF
Classification problems are significant because they constitute a meta-model for multiple theoretical and practical applications from a wide range of fields. The belief rule based (BRB) expert system has shown potentials in dealing with both quantitative and qualitative information under uncertainty. In this study, a BRB classifier is proposed to solve the classification problem. However, two challenges must be addressed. First, the size of the BRB classifier must be controlled within a feasible
2022-11-07 20:00:54 995KB Classification problems; Belief rule
Camera self-calibration method based on two vanishing points
2022-11-07 17:41:30 1.63MB 研究论文
基于仿射和 B 样条网格的两个 2D 彩色/灰度图像或 3D 体积或点数据的配准和数据拟合。 配准可以基于强度/像素,或基于地标/对应点(参见 OpenSurf),或组合进行。 描述 基于像素的配准: 该函数是 D. Rueckert 等人中 b 样条配准算法的(增强)实现。 “使用自由形式变形的非刚性配准:对乳房 MR 图像的应用”。 包括 Rueckert(薄金属片弯曲能量)和 Jacobian(微分形)函数的平滑度惩罚。 还包括将局部标准化互信息作为配准误差,允许图像或体积为不同类型/模态,例如 MRI T1 和 T2 患者扫描。 这个怎么运作: 构建了一个 b 样条控制点网格,它控制输入图像的变换。 误差测量用于测量运动图像和静态图像之间的配准误差。 准牛顿 Matlab 优化器 fminlbfgs(也在 Mathworks 上)用于移动控制点,以实现两幅图像之间的最佳配准,
2022-11-04 14:29:26 2.68MB matlab