中科院研究生院课程 VLSI测试与可测试性设计, 李晓维中科院计算技术研究所,全部课件!!
2021-09-10 10:19:58 14.34MB VLSI 测试 李晓维
一本很好的学习VLSI测试的书-- VLSI测试方法学和可测性设计
2021-09-10 10:13:16 6.68MB VLSI 可测试性 DFT
VLSI Test Principles and Architectures Design for Testability 集成电路测试经典教材 清华老师推荐
2021-09-08 18:20:58 5.66MB 集成电路测试
2021-09-07 21:26:37 13.9MB VLSI
Learn the basic properties and designs of modern VLSI devices, as well as the factors affecting performance, with this thoroughly updated second edition. The first edition has been widely adopted as a standard textbook in microelectronics in many major US universities and worldwide. The internationally renowned authors highlight the intricate interdependencies and subtle trade-offs between various practically important device parameters, and provide an in-depth discussion of device scaling and scaling limits of CMOS and bipolar devices. Equations and parameters provided are checked continuously against the reality of silicon data, making the book equally useful in practical transistor design and in the classroom. Every chapter has been updated to include the latest developments, such as MOSFET scale length theory, high-field transport model and SiGe-base bipolar devices.
2021-09-07 08:58:04 32.05MB VLSI
eetop.cn_数字集成电路设计:从VLSI体系结构到CMOS制造.pdf Digital Integrated Circuit Design From VLSI Architectures to CMOS Fabrication
2021-09-06 10:12:36 12.46MB IC设计
Clocking in Modern VLSI Systems. Clocking in Modern VLSI Systems. Clocking in Modern VLSI Systems.
2021-08-28 12:40:34 12.01MB Clocking VLSI
johns and martin 的课后习题答案
2021-08-26 17:48:26 32.21MB VLSI
《用于VLSI模拟的小尺寸MOS模型:理论与实践_MOSFET MODELS FOR VLSI CIRCUIT SIMULATON :Theory and Practice》_艾罗拉著&张兴等译_1999_科学出版社 本书介绍了超大规模集成电路模拟中小尺寸MOS器件模型及模型参数的提取,书中从基本半导体器件物理和pn结理论入手,顺序介绍了MOS电容理论,不同的MOSFET模型(直流模型、动态模型、热载流子效应模型等),以及工业上通用的标准电路模拟软件——伯克利SPICE中采用的二极管模型和MOSFET模型,同时还讨论了数据测量、模型参数提取,以及由工艺引起的模型参数统计变化。 本书可供从事MOSFET器件模型、模拟和ICCAD研究的科技工作者,以及大学微电子专业的教师及高年级学生阅读参考。
2021-08-23 23:10:23 56.83MB VLSI 小尺寸 MOS
Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era I
2021-08-18 21:53:49 37.65MB Silicon Processing