2022-05-19 17:06:05 3.88MB unity 游戏引擎 shader
该内容为SteamVR 2.x内容,与SteamVR原有的射线系统分开独立存在,后期如果SteamVR更新,该系统也是可以继续用的。 该系统共计包含四个组件,具体挂载如下: 首先导入SteamVR插件包,完成后先拖拽一个Player预制件出来,路径:SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Core/Prefabs/Player 1、RightHand上挂载Kvr_UIPointer组件 2、InputModule上挂载Kvr_InputModule组件 3、Canvas/画布上挂载Kvr_UICanvas组件 画布上随便放几个UI,这里需要将Canvas的Render Mode设置为World Space/世界模式 详细的步骤也可查看本人VR专栏,博客内部也有介绍。
2022-05-19 13:04:58 6KB 交互 Unity UGUI
Features: - StaggeredGridView. An vertical/horizontal StaggeredGridView can be used to create GridView that the items have different height/width, such as Pinterest - ListView and GridView - Infinite items - Item in different sizes (height/width) - Item with different prefab - Items with unknown size at init time - Vertical ListView (Top To Bottom, Bottom To Top) - Horizontal ListView (Left To Right, Right To Left) - GridView can scroll vertical and horizontal at the same time - Item padding
2022-05-18 11:06:30 5.81MB ScrollView UGUI Unity Unity3D
Requires Unity 5.0.0 or higher.(5.x专用版) UGUI MiniMap is a complete MiniMap / WorldMap solution for Unity uGUI. You can easily create any type of minimap you want for any genre of game, like: race, fps, rpg games etc. Features: -UGUI Support. - Compass Bar. - Border Maps Icons. - Circle Border icons. - 3D and 2D Mode. - Static or Dynamic rotation map. - World map and Mini map - RealTime and Picture Render Mode. - Support custom map masks. - Panning Tweening. - Zoom In and Out. - Easy to use (Drag and Drop). - Customize icon color, size, sprite etc. - Animated Icons. - Zoom Levels. - Buttons items. - Automatic bounds calculation. - Clean code - C#. - Well commented.
2022-05-17 23:40:45 1.33MB Unity 插件 UGUI MiniMap
2022-05-10 18:10:06 2.76MB unity 插件 小地图 minimap
该内容为SteamVR 2.x内容,与SteamVR原有的射线系统分开独立存在,后期如果SteamVR更新,该系统也是可以继续用的。 该系统共计包含四个组件,具体挂载如下: 首先导入SteamVR插件包,完成后先拖拽一个Player预制件出来,路径:SteamVR/InteractionSystem/Core/Prefabs/Player 1、RightHand上挂载Kvr_UIPointer组件 2、InputModule上挂载Kvr_InputModule组件 3、Canvas/画布上挂载Kvr_UICanvas组件 画布上随便放几个UI,这里需要将Canvas的Render Mode设置为World Space/世界模式 详细的步骤也可查看本人VR专栏,博客内部也有介绍。
2022-05-10 14:06:17 6KB Unity VR
将该类挂在 InputField 上, 输入框就会随着输入文字的多少来调整高度,再将 InputField 替换 Scroll View的子物体Content,不管输入文字多少,都可滑动显示了
2022-05-07 18:05:14 5KB UGUI
建议先看说明:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33789001/article/details/124593222 Unity3d C#用UGUI系统实现类似于哔哩哔哩(B站)的弹幕效果功能源码
Unity UGUI插件,动效UI插件,简约风UI,UI框架,Q弹动画UI,欢迎下载使用。
2022-04-28 18:07:32 14.34MB unity ui 动画 游戏引擎
Unity3d C# 基于UGUI实现类似WX聊天气泡功能, 建议先看说明:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33789001/article/details/123331284
2022-04-28 17:51:57 159KB UGUI聊天气泡 Unity源码 聊天记录