Database Systems:A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management;4th Edition 数据库系统:设计、实现与管理 第四版
2022-10-26 23:12:30 39.21MB 数据库系统
本课程中您将了解到creo elements direct modeling进行3D设计的基本原理,并且教会你如何使用
2022-10-24 23:48:45 10.22MB creo elements direct modeling
elements of information theory
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his ninth edition of Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach with VHDLprovides the fundamentals of digital circuitry to students in engineering and technology curric- ula. The digital circuits are introduced using fixed-function 7400 ICs and evolve into FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) programmed with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language). (Note:Those schools not wishing to develop logic using VHDL and FPGAs can completely skip those sections of the textbook without affect- ing the continuity of the remainder of the text, which describes logic design and imple- mentationusing 7400-series ICs.) Coverage begins with the basic logic gates used to perform arithmetic operations and proceeds through sequential logic and memory circuits used to interface to mod- ern PCs. Professor Kleitz uses his vast experience of teaching electronics online and in class from his best-selling textbooks to know what it takes for an entry-level student to be brought up to speed in this emerging field. It was important to design this new text- book to present practical examples, be easy to read, and provide all of the information necessary for motivated students to teach themselves this new subject matter. This makes it ideal for learning in an online environment as well as from conventional in- class lectures. Digital electronic ICs (integrated circuits) and FPGAs are the “brains” behind common microprocessor-based systems such as those found in automobiles, personal computers, and automated factory control systems. The most exciting recent develop- ment in this field is that students now have the choice to design, simulate, and imple- ment their circuits using a programming language called VHDL instead of wiring individual gates and devices to achieve the required function. Each topic area in this text consistently follows a very specific sequence of steps, making the transition from problem definition, to practical example, to logic IC imple- mentation, to VHDL and FPGA implementation. To accomplish this, the text first in- troduces the theory of operation of the digital logic and then implements the design in integrated circuit form (see Figure P–1). Once the fixed-function IC logic is thoroughly explained, the next step is to implement the design as a graphic design file and then to implement it using the VHDL hardware descriptive language, all within the free version of the Altera Quartus®II development software. Several examples are used to bolster the student’s understanding of the subject before moving on to system-level design and troubleshooting applications of the logic. This step-by-step method has proven over the years to be the most effective method to build the fundamental understanding of digital electronics before proceeding to implement the logic design in VHDL. The Altera Quartus®II software is a free download that allows students to either graphically design their circuit by drawing the logic (using logic gates or 7400 macro- functions) or use VHDL to define their logic. The design can then be simulated on a PC before using the same software to download the logic to an FPGA on one of the commercially available FPGA programmer boards, such as the Altera DE2 illustrated in this text.
2022-10-20 09:34:52 33.22MB Approach VHDL
2022-10-19 12:05:23 4KB 图像的谱方法表征
2022-10-10 10:41:14 67.97MB macos matlab series-analysis spectral-analysis
Spectral-SpecPro 有助于处理光谱数据。 光谱采用 Jasco 仪器产生的文件(紫外可见吸光度、荧光、圆二色性读数作为波长、温度或时间的函数),并促进基本操作,如单位转换(CD 光谱)、转换为 CDPro 采用的格式(二级结构估计;CD 光谱)、散射校正(吸光度光谱)、平滑、x 轴重新采样以及多条曲线的通用组合(总和、乘积、平均值、标准偏差)。 Spectral-SpecPro 基于 Stephen R Martin 编写的早期软件(MRC-NIMR London NW7 和 Francis Crick Institute London NW1)。
2022-10-06 19:43:56 225.02MB 开源软件
人脸识别综述论文:The Elements of End-to-end Deep Face Recognition: A Survey of Recent Advances
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Embedded Linux Primer A Practical Real-World Approach (2nd Edition) 英文无水印原版pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
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2022-09-30 21:09:44 3.38MB Embedded Linux