2021-08-20 01:07:51 9.52MB sigma
ΣΔ 工具箱模拟: • 十种不同的架构: - 第一订单- 二阶- 二阶 Boser-Wooley - 二阶席尔瓦-斯滕斯加德- 二阶错误反馈- 三阶CIFF - 三阶 CRFF - 三阶 CIFB -三阶CRFB - 三阶混搭 • 单比特和多比特实现每个架构; • 离散和连续时间调制器; • 作为输入的不同信号调制器,包括正弦、啁啾和音频信号。 与伯明翰城市大学 DMT 实验室的 Yonghao Wang 合作开发的软件
2021-08-06 10:38:50 3.23MB matlab
有关模型的完整说明,请参阅 2007 年 9 月的 MATLAB Digest 文章。 http://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/digest/2007/sept/sigmadelta.html 我们提供了一系列 Simulink 模型来设计 Sigma-Delta ADC 的高级行为模型。 高级行为模型有一个模拟部分和一个包含数字滤波器的数字部分。 我们将数字滤波器划分为三个级联滤波器,它们使用的滤波器系数总共比原始滤波器少 10 倍。 然后我们详细说明级联中的第一个过滤器,使其不需要乘法来实现。 我们将我们的设计转换为定点。 然后,我们将使用Simulink HDL编码器为详细的滤波器生成VHDL代码。 这是基于模型的设计的一个例子。
2021-08-05 14:38:02 472KB matlab
关于Delta+Sigma ADC原理,过采样的参考书.可以参考
2021-07-29 16:39:09 8.87MB Delta+Sigma原理
ASQ注册六西格玛黑带培训手册 第二版 T. M. Kubiak Donald W. Benbow
2021-07-18 00:00:16 5.33MB ASQ  Black Belt Handbook
The management information and statistical tools you need to successfully implement Six Sigma   Six Sigma has helped organizations of all types and sizes improve the quality of processes and products while simultaneously increasing customer satisfaction and saving billions of dollars. The Six Sigma Handbook covers the management systems and statistical tools that are the foundation for this revolutionary new approach to management.    Thomas Pyzdek offers expert, proven advice on using Six Sigma to retain customers and enhance bottom line performance while cutting costs dramatically. He explains exactly how to make Six Sigma work, including organizing for Six Sigma, the various levels of technical proficiency required, criteria for selecting personnel for training, using customer requirements to drive strategy and operations, successful project management, and much more.   For the manager or quality professional charged with implementing or supporting Six Sigma--no matter the industry--this timely guide will help any organization achieve the goal of becoming a truly world-class operation. Topics include:   * How to organize for Six Sigma   * How to use DMAIC to dramatically improve existing products and processes   * How to use Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Lean to create new, world-class products and processes   * Complete coverage of all major problem-solving and statistical tools and techniques, from basic to advanced tools such as DOE and logistic regression   * How to use MINITABTM and Microsoft Excel® to perform statistical analyses   * How to avoid common traps and pitfalls during implementation   The Six Sigma management system is helping numerous companies improve the quality of their products and processes. The Six Sigma Handbook is the comprehensive reference guide you need to successfully implement Six Sigma. It describes the statistical tools and problem-solving techniques that comprise Six Sigma, explaining how to use them effectively throughout your
2021-07-16 23:50:05 12.99MB six sigma 6sig
英文原版的Design for six sigma,不可不看呀.全书共600多页
2021-07-16 23:37:34 4.43MB DFSS
Sigma.7主手是先进的力反馈设备,可 用于手术机器人,遥操作等
2021-07-16 12:12:46 2.47MB 手术机器人 遥操作机器人
2021-07-14 13:38:10 12.81MB SIX SIGMA BB BLACK
如果你有产品机器需要进行chariot测试,比如wifi的sigma就需要。 下载就对了。 部分文件为网友提供,包括CSDN。 提供完整的每个镜像(包括PC侧的,产品侧的,以及用来配合测试的Android手机侧的)。并提供使用方法。 注::::: 还有个文件:IxChariot_670.exe我传不上来,159M这个是windows7 x86 64bit的console。 需要的给我留言。
2021-07-09 21:58:07 11.54MB chariot endpoint sigma Android