# CRP Open source C++ Implementation of Customizable Route Planning (CRP) by Delling et al. This project was part of a practical course at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Requirements ============ In order to build CRP you need to have the following software installed: - Boost C++ Library (http://www.boost.org), more specifically Boost Iostreams. - Scons (http://scons.org) - g++ >= 4.8 (https://gcc.gnu.org) Building CRP ============ If the Boost Library is not in your PATH, make sure to edit the *SConstruct* file in the root directory to point the build script to the correct location of Boost. There is a section *Libraries* in the *SConstruct* file where you can specify the paths. Once you have installed all the software packages listed above, you can build the CRP programs by typing ``` scons --target=CRP --optimize=Opt -jX ``` into your terminal where `X` is the number of cores you want to use for building the project. If you want to use a specific g++ compiler version you can add `--compiler=g++-Version`. We also support a debug and profiling build that you can call with `--optimize=Dbg` and `--optimize=Pro` respectively. This command will build three programs in the folder *deploy*: - *osmparser*: Used to parse an OpenStreetMap (OSM) bz2-compressed map file. Call it with `./deploy/osmparser path_to_osm.bz2 path_to_output.graph.bz2` - *precalculation*: Used to build an overlay graph based on a given partition. Call it with `./deploy/precalculation path_to_graph path_to_mlp output_directory`. Here, *path_to_mlp* is the path to a *MultiLevelPartition* file for the graph that you need to provide. For more details, take a look into our project documentation. - *customization*: Used to precompute the metric weights for the overlay graph. Call it with `./deploy/customization path_to_graph path_to_overlay_graph metric_output_directory metric_type`. We currently support the following metric types: *hop* (number of edges traversed), *time* and *dist*.
2020-03-04 03:01:17 14.88MB CRP
Customizable Route Planning(可定制最短路径) Daniel Delling, Andrew V. Goldberg, Thomas Pajor, and Renato F。本文讲诉了一种可以用任意度量计算欧陆公路网路最短路径的算法。该方法支持转向成本,实时查询,几秒钟融入一个新度量----较快地支持实时交通更新和个性化优化功能。
2020-02-25 03:17:08 239KB Customizable Route Planning
2019-12-21 21:14:33 44KB angular route angular路由
2019-12-21 20:37:13 4KB angularJS
使用AngularJS作为前台页面框架,控制前台页面,实现页面多视图模块化,真正实现页面跳转更改路径不刷新效果,这是Ajax无法实现的功能。 ps:这个项目是之前上传的网络商城系统基础版的升级版
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