Real-Time Rendering 4th,图形学神书,游戏开发必备
2021-05-27 19:05:31 23.18MB 图形学 Shader 着色 实时渲染
Stanford Dragon Model 包括max,ase,dwf,mtl,obj五种格式
2021-05-09 21:37:50 9.03MB Stanford Dragon Model Rendering
2021-05-07 19:04:25 22.29MB Real-Time-Render
Moniem - Unreal Engine Lighting and Rendering EssentialsMoniem - Unreal Engine Lighting and Rendering EssentialsMoniem - Unreal Engine Lighting and Rendering Essentials
2021-05-01 02:54:23 10.29MB Unreal Engine Rendering
Matte Pharr, renderman开发团队骨干, 这本书应该叫关于实现renderman的一切,语言轻松,逻辑清晰,叙述详细,代码易懂.这本书就是个渲染器. 此书为第三版,讲解了最新的技术
2021-04-22 15:17:37 38.85MB 图形学 物理知识 渲染 客户端
siggraph2015_GPU-Driven Rendering
2021-04-12 11:12:59 4.19MB GPURP RenderPipeline
Real Time Rendering(3rd) 英文无水印pdf 第3版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-04-02 11:29:21 16.61MB Real Time Rendering
交互式3D人心可视化 可视化 功能性 在右上角,您可以选择器官的一部分。 将强调这一点,并在右侧添加一个合适的Wikipedia文章。 如果一个器官隐藏了另一个器官,则可以切除部分心脏以获得更好的外观。 控制项 可以通过拖动鼠标来旋转可视化效果。 要在Mac上进行翻译,必须按下CONTROL键。 如果单击一个解剖结构,可见性将设置为false。 要选择并突出显示一个对象并获取更多信息,请在右上角有一个菜单。 不同类型解剖结构的配色方案 器官结构 颜色 冠状动脉 红色的 肺静脉 红色的 主动脉 红色的 冠状静脉 蓝色 肺动脉 蓝色 上腔静脉和下腔 蓝色 骨小梁肌 马鞍棕色 心肌卡 棕色的 左右耳廓 #ffc0a1 心脏瓣膜 浅蓝 资料来源: 图书馆与数据 型号:BodyParts3D,:copyright:生命科学数据库中心,获得CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan的
2021-04-01 10:05:00 293.63MB visualization javascript volume-rendering three-js
渲染鸭子 该程序在屏幕上渲染带有Phong阴影的鸭子。 用户可以与ImGui窗口进行交互以平移,旋转和放大鸭子,并打开和关闭渲染的某些阶段。 安装 要运行此代码,必须在以下目录中安装VulkanSDK: C: \V ulkanSDK \1 .2.162.1 请确保您使用的是正确版本的Vulkan。 第三方源代码可以在该程序的“库”目录中找到。 该程序的解决方案目录位于“ RenderingADuck”。 该文件夹包含该程序的源代码,以及包含模型,纹理和着色器的文件夹。
2021-03-12 18:06:37 3.67MB C++
Hardcover: 586 pages Publisher: A K Peters/CRC Press (September 3, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1482264617 ISBN-13: 978-1482264616 The latest edition of this bestselling game development reference offers proven tips and techniques for the real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data that are useful for beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike. Exploring recent developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering, GPU Pro6: Advanced Rendering Techniques assembles a high-quality collection of cutting-edge techniques for advanced graphics processing unit (GPU) programming. It incorporates contributions from more than 45 experts who cover the latest developments in graphics programming for games and movies. The book covers advanced rendering techniques that run on the DirectX or OpenGL runtimes, as well as on any other runtime with any language available. It details the specific challenges involved in creating games across the most common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, and mobile devices. The book includes coverage of geometry manipulation; rendering techniques, handheld devices programming, effects in image space, shadows, 3D engine design, graphics-related tools, and environmental effects. It also includes a dedicated section on general purpose GPU programming that covers CUDA, DirectCompute, and OpenCL examples. In color throughout, GPU Pro6 presents ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can help solve many of your daily graphics programming challenges. Example programs with downloadable source code are also provided on the book’s CRC Press web page.
2021-03-08 16:42:27 79.95MB GPU Pro 6