The Table of Integrals, Series, and Products is the essential reference for integrals in the English language. Mathematicians, scientists, and engineers, rely on it when identifying and subsequently solving extremely complex problems. Since publication of the first English-language edition in 1965, it has been thoroughly revised and enlarged on a regular basis, with substantial additions and, where necessary, existing entries corrected or revised. The seventh edition includes a fully searchable CD-Rom.
2020-03-09 03:15:01 6.61MB 数学 微积分 高等数学 数学手册
1.UX Strategy How to Devise Innovative Digital Products That People Want 2015; 2.英文原版,PDF格式; 3.内容简介: User Experience (UX) strategy requires a careful blend of business strategy and UX design, but until now, there hasn’t been an easy-to-apply framework for executing it. This hands-on guide introduces lightweight strategy tools and techniques to help you and your team craft innovative digital products that people want to use. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, UX/UI designer, product manager, or part of an intrapreneurial team, this book teaches simple-to-advanced methods that you can use in your work right away. Along with business cases, historical context, and real-world examples throughout, you’ll also gain different perspectives on the subject through interviews with top strategists.
2020-01-20 03:15:24 27.78MB User Experience 用户体验 UX/UI设计
2020-01-16 03:04:07 275KB Corel
ET GeoTools is a set of tools for ArcGIS which purpose is to increase the editing productivity in ArcMap, give enhanced editing functionality to the ArcView users and enable them to create and maintain topologically correct datasets. ET GeoWizards is a set of powerful functions that will help the ArcGIS users to manipulate data with ease. More info: ET Surface is a set of tools for ArcGIS that enable the users to create surfaces and perform surface analysis without the need of 3D or Spatial Analyst extensions. More info: 如果你喜欢。请购买正版。
2020-01-04 03:02:51 234KB ET Spatial ArcGIS 10.3
有用的数学资源,Table of Integrals,Series and Products Eighth Edition
2020-01-03 11:40:53 7.37MB pdf
Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 关于特殊函数与微积分计算
2020-01-03 11:31:44 7.31MB Integrals Series Products
Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love 启示录 : 打造用户喜爱的产品 经典的产品管理书籍,豆瓣评分超过9分,找了很久才找到,和大家分享一下 注:此版本为英文版
2019-12-21 21:00:38 9.44MB Inspired 启示录 打造用户喜爱的产品
Ab3d.PowerToys Ab3d.PowerToys是与WPF 3D一起使用的辅助库,最新版本,60天试用版
2019-12-21 20:24:00 16.52MB Ab3d PowerToys
敏捷项目管理(第二版),amazon上五星级评价 Addison Wesley, 2009 Best practices for managing projects in agile environments—now updated with new techniques for larger projects Today, the pace of project management moves faster. Project management needs to become more flexible and far more responsive to customers. Using Agile Project Management (APM), project managers can achieve all these goals without compromising value, quality, or business discipline. In Agile Project Management, Second Edition, renowned agile pioneer Jim Highsmith thoroughly updates his classic guide to APM, extending and refining it to support even the largest projects and organizations. Writing for project leaders, managers, and executives at all levels, Highsmith integrates the best project management, product management, and software development practices into an overall framework designed to support unprecedented speed and mobility. The many topics added in this new edition include incorporating agile values, scaling agile projects, release planning, portfolio governance, and enhancing organizational agility. Project and business leaders will especially appreciate Highsmith’s new coverage of promoting agility through performance measurements based on value, quality, and constraints. This edition’s coverage includes: * Understanding the agile revolution’s impact on product development * Recognizing when agile methods will work in project management, and when they won’t * Setting realistic business objectives for Agile Project Management * Promoting agile values and principles across the organization * Utilizing a proven Agile Enterprise Framework that encompasses governance, project and iteration management, and technical practices * Optimizing all five stages of the agile project: Envision, Speculate, Explore, Adapt, and Close * Organizational and product-related processes for scaling agile to the largest projects and teams * A
2019-12-21 20:23:12 5.79MB pm chm
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2019-12-21 20:17:56 681KB acdsee 破解