Communication Systems Principles Using MATLAB Leis 2018
2022-03-01 17:45:30 14.54MB Communicatio Systems  Principles  MATLAB 
principles of modern radar 三卷全,非常好的学习雷达的资料。
2022-02-25 06:10:08 51.69MB RADAR
这是一本扫描版。以下是英文介绍。 Publication Date: August 14, 1995 | ISBN-10: 0201848406 | ISBN-13: 978-0201848403 | Edition: 2 The best-selling book on computer graphics is now available in this C-language version. All code has been converted into C, and changes through the ninth printing of the second edition have been incorporated. The book's many outstanding features continue to ensure its position as the standard computer graphics text and reference. By uniquely combining current concepts and practical applications in computer graphics, four well-known authors provide here the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date coverage of the field. The important algorithms in 2D and 3D graphics are detailed for easy implementation, including a close look at the more subtle special cases. There is also a thorough presentation of the mathematical principles of geometric transformations and viewing. In this book, the authors explore multiple perspectives on computer graphics: the user's, the application programmer's, the package implementor's, and the hardware designer's. For example, the issues of user-centered design are expertly addressed in three chapters on interaction techniques, dialogue design, and user interface software. Hardware concerns are examined in a chapter, contributed by Steven Molnar and Henry Fuchs, on advanced architectures for real-time, high performance graphics. The comprehensive topic coverage includes: *Programming with SRGP, a simple but powerful raster graphics package that combines features of Apple's QuickDraw and the MIT X Window System graphics library. *Hierarchical, geometric modeling using SPHIGS, a simplified dialect of the 3D graphics standard PHIGS. *Raster graphics hardware and software, including both basic and advanced algorithms for scan converting and clipping lines, polygons, conics, spline curves, and text. *Image synthesis, including visible-surface determination, illumination and shading models, image manipulation, and antialiasing. *Techniques for photorealistic rendering, including ray tracing and radiosity methods. *Surface modeling with parametric polynomials, including NURBS, and solid-modeling representations such as B-reps, CSG, and octrees. *Advanced modeling techniques such as fractals, grammar-based models, particle systems. *Concepts of computer animation and descriptions of state-of-the-art animation systems. Over 100 full-color plates and over 700 figures illustrate the techniques presented in the book. 0201848406B04062001
2022-02-23 11:59:15 23.86MB Computer Graphics CG
复杂网络的经典外文著作《Complex Networks Principles Methods and Applications》 Networks constitute the backbone of complex systems, from the human brain to computer communications, transport infrastructures to online social systems, metabolic reactions to financial markets. Characterising their structure improves our understanding of the physical, biological, economic and social phenomena that shape our world. Rigorous and thorough, this textbook presents a detailed overview of the new theory and methods of network science. Covering algorithms for graph exploration, node ranking and network generation, among the others, the book allows students to experiment with network models and real-world data sets, providing them with a deep understanding of the basics of network theory and its practical applications. Systems of growing complexity are examined in detail, challenging students to increase their level of skill. An engaging pre- sentation of the important principles of network science makes this the perfect reference for researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, neuroscience and social sciences.
2022-02-21 16:04:13 13.04MB 复杂网络 Complex Networks
龙书英文名为《Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools 》,中文名《编译原理技术和工具》 作者:Alfred V.Aho,Ravi Sethi,Jeffrey D.Ullman 现在已经是第二版了,2006年8月31日在amazon上架。 龙书第一版出版于1986年,由于出版年代较早,其中包含部分过时的技术并且没有反映一些新的编译技术; 新编的《编译原理》抛弃诸如算符优先分析等过时技术,增加面向对象编译、类型检查等新技术。
2022-02-20 20:37:46 35.47MB Compilers: Principles Techniques and
2022-02-18 20:04:40 7.66MB Graphical Models
A classic book edited by a famous physicist-Gibbs, who contributes to the building of statistical physics and thermodynamics.
2022-02-16 10:55:10 3.26MB physics statistical physics
Principles of Lithography, 3rd edition, Harry J. Levinson
2022-02-14 16:20:41 18.62MB Lithography
利用matlab对通信系统基础原理进行计算和展示的书籍。 多看英文书籍,也就会慢慢明白我们总是缺乏核心技术的原因
2022-02-14 13:55:03 14.71MB 通信 matlab 英文
2022-02-07 04:07:54 7.44MB 大数据