NGUI for Unity 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-08-19 22:49:06 2.07MB NGUI Unity
Get to grips with NGUI for both PC and mobile devices Create fully functional 2D and 3D cross-platform user interfaces A step-by-step guide, full of examples to help you quickly build widgets and user-friendly GUI for your games NGUI is a robust UI system both powerful and optimized. It is an effective plugin for Unity, which gives you the power to create beautiful and complex user interfaces while reducing performance costs. This book is a practical tutorial that will guide you through creating a fully functional and localized main menu along with 2D and 3D in-game user interfaces. The book starts by teaching you about NGUI's workflow and creating a basic UI, before gradually moving on to building widgets and enhancing your UI. You will then switch to the Android platform to take care of different issues mobile devices may encounter. By the end of this book, you will have the knowledge to create ergonomic user interfaces for your existing and future PC or mobile games and applications developed with Unity 3D and NGUI.
2021-08-19 22:48:24 5.24MB Unity NGUI 3D 2D
在我们开发游戏或者虚拟现实中,一般都会用到小地图,如果要我们去写小地图,应该会花费一点时间的吧,如何加快我们的开发速度呢,其实在unity 3d中就有一个“小”插件,是专门用开开发小地图用的,这个插件就是KGFMapSystem。
2021-08-13 13:03:43 571KB unity c# android ios
本包中共有六个版本的NGUI,大家可以自己选择版本。 NGUI Next-Gen UI 3.6.0.unitypackage NGUI Next-Gen UI 3.12.1(u5.6.5).unitypackage NGUI Next-Gen UI 2019.3.0.unitypackage NGUI Next-Gen UI v2018.3.0.unitypackage NGUI Next-Gen UI v2018.3.0c(u2018.3.0).unitypackage NGUI Next-Gen UI v2018.3.0e(u2018.3.0).unitypackage
2021-08-12 09:07:20 74.78MB Unity unity3d ngui 游戏开发
NGUI 无限滚动列表
2021-08-07 20:35:02 18.88MB Unity NGUI scrollview 滚动
Unity NGUI2020.1.5
2021-08-05 20:01:42 12.59MB Unity NGUI 资源 UI
2021-08-05 17:13:56 12.6MB unity unity3d ngui 插件
NGUI 插件3版本合一(3.9.2 3.11.2 3.12.0).zip
2021-08-04 14:02:18 54.06MB 插件
2021-08-03 21:05:20 12.95MB 下一代UI Unity3D NGUI 插件
最新版的NGUI 3.9.4
2021-07-29 09:36:07 19.52MB NGUI 最新