This book has been written for a wider audience, including students and practitioners interested in current consumer depth cameras and the data they provide. This book focuses on the system rather than the device and circuit aspects of the acquisition equipment. Processing methods required by the 3D nature of the data are presented within general frameworks purposely as independent as possible from the technological characteristics of the measurement instruments used to capture the data. The results are typically presented by practical exemplifications with real data to give the reader a clear and concrete idea about the actual processing possibilities. This book is organized into three parts, the first devoted to the working principles of ToF and structured light depth cameras, the second to the extraction of accurate 3D information from depth camera data through proper calibration and data fusion techniques, and the third to the use of 3D data in some challenging computer vision applications.
2022-03-30 20:24:21 12.55MB TOF 结构光
2022-03-29 11:28:50 1.79MB mvvm light mvvmlight MVVMLight
光场处理 这是解码光场文件(.lfp)并将原始图像处理为5D数据的有用工具。 您可以简单demo.m逐步运行demo.m来查看结果。 步骤1:加载LF数据 请注意,如果您没有LF数据,请先下载。 一旦运行ViewLightField ,您将获得以下精美的图像。 第2步:水平EPI(修复v和y) 第3步:垂直EPI(修复u和x) 步骤4:显示角补丁(AP)
轻松阅读 - API - 2.0 项目介绍 light reading cloud(轻松阅读)是一款图书阅读类APP,基于 SpringCloud 生态开发的微服务实践项目,涉及 SpringCloud-Gateway、Nacos、Hystrix、OpenFeign、Jwt、ElasticSearch 等技术栈的应用。 项目的侧重点主要是基于实际业务场景使用微服务架构落地的思路,会采用图文的方式介绍每个服务或接口的原理以及为什么使用这种方式实现,希望会对想入门微服务的同学有所帮助。 客户端采用 Vue.js 、Vuetify 开发: 版本 2.0 版本,主要更新了 SpringCloud Alibaba 的 Nacos 组件,替代了 SpringCloud Config 以及 Eureka 1.0 版本,采用 SpringCloud Config、Eureka 为配置中心、注册中心。获取
2022-03-26 13:13:45 256KB elasticsearch jwt spring spring-cloud
ORA-12737: Instant Client Light: unsupported server character set CHS16GBK/ZHS16GBK解决方案oci sqlplus instantclient_12_2
2022-03-25 21:44:43 44.13MB oci sqlplus ORA-12737 oracle
QCodeEditor:基于Light QPlainTextEdit的小部件,它提供行号栏和语法以及当前行高亮(PyQt)
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附件为zigbee light link协议文档,供开发zll灯具的工程师参考
2022-03-08 11:48:09 1.01MB zigbee link link zll
2022-02-25 09:35:37 629KB Unity3D
ellographcf-light.ttf 字体
2022-02-24 14:07:49 53KB 字体