激光诱导击穿光谱已用于测量大气条件下粉煤无烟煤中的有机氧含量。 提出了特殊的光谱处理方法,包括通过与N(I)线比较光谱相关系数,选择与O(I)线的光谱相关系数,与N(I)线进行内部归一化以及温度校正来选择最佳的O(I)发射线,以满足多光谱分析线分析方法,可得出最准确的定量结果。 提出了确定煤中有机氧含量的标定方法,通过对六个无烟煤样品进行的实验评估,其准确度为1.15-1.37%,平均相对误差为19.39%。 还研究了相对测量误差分布。
2021-03-01 17:05:56 293KB laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; LIBS;
Two-dimensional (2D) Te nanosheets were successfully fabricated through the liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) method. The nonlinear optical properties of 2D Te nanosheets were studied by the open-aperture Z-scan technique. Furthermore, the continuous wave mode-locked Nd:YVO
2021-03-01 17:05:39 1016KB 论文
完整英文版IEC TR 60825-5:2019 Safety of laser products - Part 5: Manufacturer's checklist for IEC 60825-1(激光产品的安全-第5部分IEC 60825-1的制造商清单),IEC TR 60825-5:2019适用于IEC 60825-1:2014中所述的激光产品。 该清单旨在供激光产品及其代理商使用,以确保每个新设计或经过修改的设计均符合IEC 60825-1:2014的要求。 该清单与IEC 60825-1结合使用,因为本文中引用了IEC 60825-1中的相关条款和子条款。
2021-03-01 10:02:38 8.85MB iec 60825 laser checklist
英国/欧洲完整英文版 PD IEC TR 60825-5:2019 Safety of laser products - Part 5: Manufacturer's checklist for IEC 60825-1(激光产品的安全-第5部分IEC 60825-1的制造商清单),IEC TR 60825-5:2019适用于IEC 60825-1:2014中所述的激光产品。 该清单旨在供激光产品及其代理商使用,以确保每个新设计或经过修改的设计均符合IEC 60825-1:2014的要求。 该清单与IEC 60825-1结合使用,因为本文中引用了IEC 60825-1中的相关条款和子条款。
2021-03-01 10:02:37 9.06MB pd iec 60825 laser
完整英文版EN 60825-1:2014 Safety of laser products Equipment classification and requirements(激光产品安全设备分类及要求),本标准EN 60825-1:2014激光产品的安全性归类为以下ICS类别: 31.260光电。 激光设备 13.280辐射防护 13.110机械安全 11.040.99其他医疗设备
2021-02-28 11:03:00 28.04MB en 60825 laser 激光产品
完整英文版IEC 60825-1:2014 Safety of laser products - Part 1 Equipment classification and requirements(激光产品的安全 - 第1部分 设备分类和要求 ),本标准适用于在180纳米至1毫米波长范围内发射激光辐射的激光产品的安全。激光产品可能由一个激光器组成,带或不带单独的电源,也可能在一个复杂的光学、电气或机械系统中集成一个或多个激光器。通常,激光产品用于演示物理和光学现象、材料加工、数据读取和存储、信息传输和显示等。
2021-02-27 09:03:56 58.5MB iec 60825 激光 laser
2021-02-26 17:05:29 1.08MB CO2激光器 腔长调制 CO2 laser
2021-02-26 17:05:17 1.37MB 激光诱导 温度测量 laser ind
A passively Q-switched side-pumped laser with folded resonator is specially constructed for singlelongitudinal-mode smooth pulse output. Nd:YAG is chosen as the laser active medium and Cr<sup>4+</sup>:YAG as the saturable absorber medium. Additionally, the method of frequency selection by grating with 1200 line/mm and Fabry-Perot (F-P) etalon is used in the twisted-mode cavity. The single-frequency smooth pulses are produced with 10-Hz repetition rate, 20-ns pulse width, and 1.064-\m
2021-02-26 11:04:31 866KB 折叠腔 单纵模 光栅和F-P 被动调Q
We theoretically propose a new method for generating intense isolated attosecond pulses during high-order harmonic generation (HHG) process by accurately controlling electron motion with a two-color laser field, which consists of an 800-nm, 4-fs elliptically polarized laser field and a 1400-nm, ~43-fs linearly polarized laser field. With this method, the supercontinua with a spectral width above 200 eV are obtained, which can support a ~15-as isolated pulse after phase compensation. Classical an
2021-02-26 09:06:25 708KB 单个阿秒 高次谐波 双色场 190.4160