zeek 入侵检测系列实验
Lab 1: Introduction to the Capabilities of Zeek
Lab 2: An Overview of Zeek Logs
Lab 3: Parsing, Reading and Organizing Zeek Log Files
Lab 4: Generating, Capturing and Analyzing Network Scanner Traffic
Lab 5: Generating, Capturing and Analyzing DoS and DDoS-centric Network Traffic
Lab 6: Introduction to Zeek Scripting
Lab 7: Introduction to Zeek Signatures
Lab 8: Advanced Zeek Scripting for Anomaly and Malicious Event Detection
Lab 9: Profiling and Performance Metrics of Zeek
Lab 10: Application of the Zeek IDS for Real-Time Network Protection
Lab 11: Preprocessing of Zeek Output Logs for Machine Learning
Lab 12: Developing Machine Learning Classifiers for Anomaly Inference and Classification
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