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1. 更新设备网络SDK时,SDK开发包【库文件】里的HCNetSDK.dll、HCCore.dll、PlayCtrl.dll、SuperRender.dll、AudioRender.dll、HCNetSDKCom文件夹、ssleay32.dll、libeay32.dll等文件均要加载到程序里面,【HCNetSDKCom文件夹】(包含里面的功能组件dll库文件)需要和HCNetSDK.dll、HCCore.dll一起加载,放在同一个目录下,且HCNetSDKCom文件夹名不能修改。 2. 如果自行开发软件不能正常实现相应功能,而且程序没有指定加载的dll库路径,请在程序运行的情况下尝试删除HCNetSDK.dll。如果可以删除,说明程序可能调用到系统盘Windows->System32目录下的dll文件,建议删除或者更新该目录下的相关dll文件;如果不能删除,dll文件右键选择属性确认SDK库版本。 3. 如按上述步骤操作后还是不能实现相应功能,请根据NET_DVR_GetLastError返回的错误号判断原因。
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Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) offers engineers powerful opportunities to develop more successful systems, software, hardware, and processes. In Applying Design for Six Sigma to Software and Hardware Systems , two leading experts offer a realistic, step-by-step process for succeeding with DFSS. Their clear, start-to-finish roadmap is designed for successfully developing complex high-technology products and systems that require both software and hardware development. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience leading Six Sigma at Motorola, the authors cover the entire project lifecycle, from business case through scheduling, customer-driven requirements gathering through execution. They provide real-world examples for applying their techniques to software alone, hardware alone, and systems composed of both. Product developers will find proven job aids and specific guidance about what teams and team members need to do at every stage. Using this book’s integrated, systems approach, marketers, software professionals, and hardware developers can converge all their efforts on what really matters: addressing the customer’s true needs. Learn how to Ensure that your entire team shares a solid understanding of customer needs Define measurable critical parameters that reflect customer requirements Thoroughly assess business case risk and opportunity in the context of product roadmaps and portfolios Prioritize development decisions and scheduling in the face of resource constraints Flow critical parameters down to quantifiable, verifiable requirements for every sub-process, subsystem, and component Use predictive engineering and advanced optimization to build products that robustly handle variations in manufacturing and usage Verify system capabilities and reliability based on pilots or early production samples Master new statistical techniques for ensuring that supply chains deliver on time, with minimal inventory Choose the right DFSS tools, using the authors’ step-by-step flowc
2021-11-19 20:23:18 5.55MB Eric Maass DFSS
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学习PCIE的经典书籍, 英文高清原版,309页,PCIE开发人员必备
2021-11-15 08:42:33 52.62MB PCI PCIE 英文版 Introduction
Hardware Bible 6th Edition The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible is a handy guide to the components that make up IBM-standard personal computers, but it is beginning to show its age in its new fifth edition. As Rosch's fans have come to expect, the book includes lots of lists and tables that present troubleshooting information in an easily referenced format. Rosch knows his subject well. Unlike many of its competitors, this book devotes a fair amount of ink to discussions of software phenomena, such as image compression technologies. Some of the material seems a bit outdated, such as the section on "proprietary mice" that describes dedicated mouse ports as if they're something unusual. In the same vein, coverage of CD-ROM formats neglects any mention of the Joliet and El Torito standards, as if Yellow Book is new stuff. There's no mention of PC-100 RAM either, and the book gives almost as much space to monochrome cathode ray tubes as to emerging flat-screen technologies. The point: you'll appreciate the information on older technologies if you're involved in maintaining or repairing older machines. Folks working on more modern hardware may want to look at Scott Mueller's Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 11th Edition. --David Wall Topics covered: Central processing units (CPUs), random-access memory (RAM), mass-storage devices (hard disks and CD-ROM drives), video cards, input devices, expansion buses, and modem connectivity. Book Description In order to remain current with the latest developments in computer technology, the Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible, Fifth Edition, has been revised to include information relating to Intel's MMX and SSE technologies, new compatible microprocessors, and the latest in storage devices--including new hard disk interfaces and high-capacity floppies and new port designs like IrDA and USB. More than just an overview of today's technology, this guide provides you with a thorough understanding of all aspects of computer hardware. This book supp
2021-11-09 15:23:58 4.37MB Hardware