时间序列分析 经典教材 The fourth edition of this popular graduate textbook, like its predecessors, presents a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both time and frequency domain methods with accompanying theory. Numerous examples using nontrivial data illustrate solutions to problems such as discovering natural and anthropogenic climate change, evaluating pain perception experiments using functional magnetic resonance imaging, and monitoring a nuclear test ban treaty. The book is designed as a textbook for graduate level students in the physical, biological, and social sciences and as a graduate level text in statistics. Some parts may also serve as an undergraduate introductory course. Theory and methodology are separated to allow presentations on different levels. In addition to coverage of classical methods of time series regression, ARIMA models, spectral analysis and state-space models, the text includes modern developments including categorical time series analysis, multivariate spectral methods, long memory series, nonlinear models, resampling techniques, GARCH models, ARMAX models, stochastic volatility, wavelets, and Markov chain Monte Carlo integration methods. This edition includes R code for each numerical example in addition to Appendix R, which provides a reference for the data sets and R scripts used in the text in addition to a tutorial on basic R commands and R time series. An additional file is available on the book’s website for download, making all the data sets and scripts easy to load into R.
2022-01-07 17:37:44 9.84MB Time Series
Introduction to Logic Design(3rd Ed)_Alan B.MArcovitz
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之前自己做的一个图书管理系统,显示图书借阅排行榜,因为翻译在数据库中有为空的字段,故前台显示会显示undefined。 以下贴上部门代码: $(document).ready(function () { $("#rankTable tbody").html(""); var id = 1; $.ajax({ url:"bookInfo/bookInfo_rank.action", type:"POST", data:{}, dataType:"json", success:function (data) { $(data).each(func
2022-01-03 13:50:18 36KB ajax def ed
2021-12-29 23:42:14 473KB ed diy
Redis分布式锁解决接口幂等的两种方案一、背景二、基础知识三、解决方案四、实验五、说在最后的话 一、背景 还在为不了解分布式锁而烦恼吗?还在为众多微服务接口不幂等而发愁吗?如果是,并且有兴趣同我一起学习,那请接着看本文,通过本文能够学习到分布式锁的基本原理、如何实现分布式锁以及使用分布式锁解决接口幂等问题。 二、基础知识 本文是通过使用 Redis 实现分布式锁,当然也可用使用各大数据库,比如 Mysql、Oracle 自持的行级锁、大厂的 Zookeeper 等方案实现。 分布式锁的基本思想 我们既然称其为“锁”,那就是说只有唯一的一把钥匙才能将锁打开,将这种思想放到我们软件设计上来,那就
2021-12-26 14:15:55 87KB ed edi IS
2021-12-26 09:22:37 83KB UNIX.Network
细胞分子生物学, 英文原版,第四版(molecular biology of the cell)
2021-12-21 20:12:08 90.6MB 细胞生物学 英文原版
2021-12-20 18:31:49 2.16MB Electrical Engineering 电子电气
leaf是一个联邦学习的框架,来自CMU,官网:https://leaf.cmu.edu/build/html/index.html      Github:https://github.com/TalwalkarLab/leaf/pulls 1、安装与配置环境 首先要在Github上下载leaf,之后安装 requirements.txt 中列出的 libraries。 这里面有几个坑:1、要用 pip3 下载,否则 tensorflow 可能出现空包 2、目前tensorflow发行了2.0系列的版本,但是leaf是用tensorflow1.x系列的语法写的,也就是说,需要修改requir
2021-12-20 13:46:38 42KB ar ed IN