Cookbook 书系算是OReilly 的一个出版品牌, 这套丛书的特点就是可以帮助你快速找到解决问题 的方法,而不需要你从大量的文档中去查找,你可以现学现卖,就像菜谱一样,照着里面的步骤去 做就行了,当然也要注意下里面的参考注释。这本 Cisco IOS Cookbook 就是专注于思科 IOS系统配置 的,可以当做一本应急手册来使用,也可以逐篇阅读,因为里面很多小技巧也许你从来没有注意过。 这本书是第二版,跟前一版相比有什么区别呢,很明显的就是书名变了,从 Cisco Cookbook 变为Cisco OS Cookbook,这样让书名更名副其实,毕竟思科现在的产品线很长,以后也许有Cisco PIX Cookbook 之类的。在内容上更新在于涵盖了 IOS 12.4 的新特性,当然原有的内容还继续保留,毕竟思科的很 多配置向后兼容,只是特别注明了一些新选项而已,同时与时俱进增加了四个新的章节:IP Mobility, Version 6, MPLS, 和 Security,这样就更符合现在的趋势。
2022-05-12 13:37:34 1.97MB 思科 笔记 考试
Qt5 C ++ GUI编程手册-第二版 这是Packt发布的的代码存储库。 使用Qt 5构建跨平台GUI应用程序,小部件和动画的实用食谱 这本书是关于什么的? 随着针对多个目标和多个屏幕开发GUI的需求不断增长,提高应用程序的视觉质量对于在其他竞争对手中脱颖而出至关重要。 凭借其跨平台功能和最新的UI范例,QT使得可以为您的应用程序构建直观,交互式且用户友好的用户界面。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能:使用窗口小部件编辑器自定义应用程序的外观和感觉使用QT5的内置动画系统对GUI元素进行动画处理使用Qt5的强大渲染系统绘制形状和2D图像在项目中实现行业标准的OpenGL库构建一个支持触摸事件的移动应用程序并将其导出到设备上解析并从XML文件提取数据并将其呈现在GUI上,通过从C ++访问MySQL,SQLite数据库调用JavaScript函数以检索数据并将其显示在GUI上与Web内
2022-05-11 11:38:31 3.2MB JavaScript
With the advancement of computer technology, the software market is exploding with tons of software choices for the user, making their expectations higher in terms of functionality and the look and feel of the application. Therefore, improving the visual quality of your application is vital in order to overcome the market competition and stand out from the crowd. This book will teach you how to develop functional and appealing software using Qt5 through multiple projects that are interesting and fun. This book covers a variety of topics such as look-and-feel customization, GUI animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. You will learn tons of useful information, and enjoy the process of working on the creative projects provided in this book. What you will learn Customize the look and feel of your application using the widget editor provided by Qt5 Change the states of the GUI elements to make them appear in a different form Animating the GUI elements using the built-in animation system provided by Qt5 Draw shapes and 2D images in your application using Qt5’s powerful rendering system Draw 3D graphics in your application by implementing OpenGL, an industry-standard graphical library to your project Build a mobile app that supports touch events and export it to your device Parse and extract data from an XML file, then present it on your software’s GUI Display web content on your program and interact with it by calling JavaScript functions from C++, or calling C++ functions from the web content Access to MySQL and SQLite databases to retrieve data and display it on your software’s GUI
2022-05-11 11:38:00 4.21MB Qt5 C++ GUI Programming
使用TensorFlow Cookbook进行机器学习 Packt出版的《使用TensorFlow Cookbook进行机器学习》。
2022-05-09 18:25:54 8.85MB JupyterNotebook
Explore machine learning concepts using the latest numerical computing library — TensorFlow — with the help of this comprehensive cookbook About This Book Your quick guide to implementing TensorFlow in your day-to-day machine learning activities Learn advanced techniques that bring more accuracy and speed to machine learning Upgrade your knowledge to the second generation of machine learning with this guide on TensorFlow Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for data scientists who are familiar with C++ or Python and perform machine learning activities on a day-to-day basis. Intermediate and advanced machine learning implementers who need a quick guide they can easily navigate will find it useful. What You Will Learn Become familiar with the basics of the TensorFlow machine learning library Get to know Linear Regression techniques with TensorFlow Learn SVMs with hands-on recipes Implement neural networks and improve predictions Apply NLP and sentiment analysis to your data Master CNN and RNN through practical recipes Take TensorFlow into production In Detail TensorFlow is an open source software library for Machine Intelligence. The independent recipes in this book will teach you how to use TensorFlow for complex data computations and will let you dig deeper and gain more insights into your data than ever before. You’ll work through recipes on training models, model evaluation, sentiment analysis, regression analysis, clustering analysis, artificial neural networks, and deep learning – each using Google’s machine learning library TensorFlow. This guide starts with the fundamentals of the TensorFlow library which includes variables, matrices, and various data sources. Moving ahead, you will get hands-on experience with Linear Regression techniques with TensorFlow. The next chapters cover important high-level concepts such as neural networks, CNN, RNN, and NLP. Once you are familiar and comfortable with the TensorFlow ecosystem, the last chapter will show you how to take it to production. Style and approach This book takes a recipe-based approach where every topic is explicated with the help of a real-world example.
2022-05-09 18:19:50 4.19MB tensorflow
2022-05-07 15:30:09 38.69MB MySQL
Flash数据恢复教材,内容包括: 1. 深入介绍Flash原理 2. Flash存储访问 3. 物理内存提取技术 4. 创建虚拟镜像 5. 镜像内容重建 本教程作者深耕数据恢复领域数年,拥有丰富的数据恢复经验。通过阅读本教材,读者可以深入探索Flash存储的原理,以及从Flash存储中恢复数据的过程。
2022-05-06 18:01:05 4.07MB 数据恢复 Flash安全 存储安全 固件提取
2022-05-06 17:08:10 14.18MB vulkan
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Development Cookbook(4th) 英文无水印pdf 第4版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-05-05 14:20:36 6.63MB Dynamics 365 Finance Operations
If you are a software developer new to Dynamics 365 for Operations programming or an experienced software engineer migrating from its predecessor, Dynamics AX, this book is an ideal tutorial to help you avoid the common pitfalls and make the most of this advanced technology. This book is also useful if you are a solution architect or technical consultant, as it provides a deeper insight into the technology behind the solution.
2022-05-05 14:15:28 7.58MB D365FO AX