最好的英文版本,PDF格式 原书名: Matrix Computations 原出版社: The Johns Hopkins University Press 作者: (美)Gene H. Golub Charles F. Van Loan Gene H.Golub,(1932-2007),美国科学院、工程院和艺术科学院院士,世界著名的数分析专家,现代矩阵计算的奠基人,生前曾任斯坦福大学教授。他是矩阵分解算法的主要贡献者,与William Kahan在1970年给出了奇异值分解(SingularValue Decomposition,SVD)的可行算法,一直沿用至今。他发起组织了工业与应用数学国际会议(Intemational Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,ICIAM)。 目录回到顶部↑matrix multiplication problems . 1.1 basic algorithms and notation 2 1.2 exploiting structure 16 1.3 block matrices and algorithms 24 1.4 vectorization and re-use issues 34 2 matrix analysis 2.1 basic ideas from linear algebra 48 2.2 vector norms 52 2.3 matrix norms 54 2.4 finite precision matrix computations 59 2.5 orthogonality and the svd 69 2.6 projections and the cs decomposition 75 2.7 the sensitivity of square linear systems 80 3 general linear systems 3.1 triangular systems 88 3.2 the lu factorization 94 3.3 roundoff analysis of gaussian elimination 104 3.4 pivoting 109 3.5 improving and estimating accuracy 123 4 special linear systems .4.1 the ldmt and ldlt factorizations 135 4.2 positive definite systems 140 4.3 banded systems 152 4.4 symmetric indefinite systems 161 4.5 block systems 174 4.6 vandermonde systems and the fft 183 4.7 toeplitz and related systems 193 5 orthogonalization and least squares 5.1 householder and givens matrices 208 5.2 the qr factorization 223 5.3 the full rank ls problem 236 5.4 other orthogonal factorizations 248 5.5 the rank deficient ls problem 256 5.6 weighting and iterative improvement 264 5.7 square and underdetermined systems 270 6 parallel matrix computations 6.1 basic concepts 276 6.2 matrix multiplication 292 6.3 factorizations 300 7 the unsymmetric eigenvalue problem .. 7.1 properties and decompositions 310 7.2 perturbation theory 320 7.3 power iterations 330 7.4 the hessenberg and real schur forms 341 7.5 the practical qr algorithm 352 7.6 invariant subspace computations 362 7.7 the
2021-05-01 11:30:50 6.33MB 英文
One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information remains the best textbook in this exciting field of science. This 10th Anniversary Edition includes a new Introduction and Afterword from the authors setting the work in context. This comprehensive textbook describes such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, and quantum error-correction. Quantum mechanics and computer science are introduced, before moving on to describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than “classical” computers, and its real-world implementation. It concludes with an in-depth treatment of quantum information. Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, this well-known textbook is ideal for courses on the subject, and will interest beginning graduate students and researchers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering.
2021-04-14 01:28:32 10.07MB 量子计算 量子信息
C1000-112-使用Qiskit v0.2X Developer进行量子计算的基础知识 IBM认证联合开发人员-使用Qiskit v0.2X进行量子计算 关键能力领域: 使用定义,执行和可视化结果 了解及其在的旋转。 了解各种及其在量子电路中的作用。 利用基本的Qiskit SDK功能,包括位于qiskit.circuit,qiskit.execute,qiskit.providers,qiskit.qasm,qiskit.quantum_info,qiskit.tools和qiskit.visualization程序包中的常用类和函数。
2021-04-12 14:03:28 2KB quantum-computing ibm qiskit
2021-03-31 22:10:56 23.89MB theory of computation NP
2021-03-21 20:54:23 16.21MB Graph Theory Computation Geom
During the university, computation the synthetical evaluation is necessary per term. The manual computation of synthetical evaluation is a much numerous and diverse process. First, everyone compute the scores by themselves, and make a draft, then deliver it. Second, the cadres in the class check the result and import the data into computer for making the document, then hand in it to a relative department or academy. In the process, the students are sick of it. Therefore, the veracity of the draft is low. On the other hand, manual checking and scores’ inputting cause the greater workload and lower efficiency. Moreover the veracity is unable to be guaranteed. So, all the teachers and students are looking forward to have an informationizational system of the synthetical evaluation. Using the system, students can’t only compute their scores of synthetical evaluation conveniently and correctly, but also can submit the results to the server. Which can omit the complicated work of class cadres’ manual checking and scores’ inputting. Moreover, the function of query offered by the systems can make convenient for students to search the information they want.The discourse introduces the Applet technology, the analysis and design of the system, the implement of every function module, the test and debug of the system, and the problems met in the exploitation as well as the solution to them.
2021-03-14 12:59:19 1.09MB synthetical evaluation; computation
2021-03-10 19:03:44 10.24MB Automa
《矩阵计算(英文版·第4版)》是数值计算领域的名著,系统介绍了矩阵计算的基本理论和方法。内容包括:矩阵乘法、矩阵分析、线性方程组、正交化和最小二乘法、特征值问题、Lanczos方法、矩阵函数及专题讨论等。书中的许多算法都有现成的软件包实现,每节后附有习题,并有注释和大量参考文献。新版增加约四分之一内容,反映了近年来矩阵计算领域的飞速发展。 《矩阵计算(英文版·第4版)》可作为高等院校数学系高年级本科生和研究生教材,亦可作为计算数学和工程技术人员参考书。
2021-03-08 17:08:22 13.14MB 矩阵计算
Pairing computation on Edwards curves with high-degree twists
2021-02-22 14:06:40 236KB 研究论文