合流 在浏览器中使用 whatwg 流构建和读取 zip 文件。 /ˈkänˌfləks/ (名词)两个或多个流的流动 极速 ~100 kB 导入 使用流,最小化内存开销 兼容性 Chrome合金 :check_mark_button: 苹果浏览器 :check_mark_button: 边缘 :check_mark_button: 火狐 :check_mark_button: 例子 用法 导入 Conflux 包管理器 # With Yarn yarn add @transcend-io/conflux # With NPM npm install --save @transcend-io/conflux import { Reader , Writer } from '@transcend-io/conflux' ; CDN < script src =" https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@transcend-io/conflux@3 " > </ script > cons
2021-08-03 18:04:56 181KB streaming privacy compression streams
2021-07-14 14:08:16 1.13MB 图像处理
H.264_And_MPEG-4_Video_Compression 英文原版图书 该书对学习视频编解码有一定的帮助 希望能够对想要了解视频编解码的同仁起到帮助的作用 免费提供
2021-07-13 20:32:47 3.81MB 视频处理
ZJU 2021年春学期多媒体技术课程大作业,用MATLAB实现标准JPEG图像压缩流程
2021-07-11 20:07:34 6KB matlab jpeg image compression
此仓库仅实现GhostNet的演示代码。 请移至以获取更多详细信息。 幽灵网 此存储库提供了CVPR 2020论文Pytorch演示实现。 带有预训练模型的TensorFlow / PyTorch实现可在。 要求 该代码已在Python3 PyTorch 1.0+上进行了验证。 用法 用法示例: import torch from ghost_net import ghost_net model = ghost_net(width_mult=1.0) input = torch.randn(32,3,224,224) y = model(input) print(y) GhostNet简介 GhostNet:廉价运营带来的更多功能。 CVPR2020。 韩开,王云和,田琦,郭建元,徐春景,徐昌。 方法 表现 GhostNet击败了其他SOTA轻量级CNN,例如MobileNetV
C# Zip 压缩和解压 NET 4.5 using System.IO.Compression;
2021-06-30 11:02:26 44KB 压缩和解压
Book Description: If you want to attract and retain users in the booming mobile services market, you need a quick-loading app that won’t churn through their data plans. The key is to compress multimedia and other data into smaller files, but finding the right method is tricky. This witty book helps you understand how data compression algorithms work—in theory and practice—so you can choose the best solution among all the available compression tools. With tables, diagrams, games, and as little math as possible, authors Colt McAnlis and Aleks Haecky neatly explain the fundamentals. Learn how compressed files are better, cheaper, and faster to distribute and consume, and how they’ll give you a competitive edge. Learn why compression has become crucial as data production continues to skyrocket Know your data, circumstances, and algorithm options when choosing compression tools Explore variable-length codes, statistical compression, arithmetic numerical coding, dictionary encodings, and context modeling Examine tradeoffs between file size and quality when choosing image compressors Learn ways to compress client- and server-generated data objects Meet the inventors and visionaries who created data compression algorithms
2021-06-29 11:43:32 11.3MB Understandin Compression
2021-06-28 00:54:46 8.78MB 图像处理 视频处理
2021-06-27 09:01:31 3.15MB commons-logging-