完整英文电子版 Guide to the IoT Security Controls Framework Version 2(物联网安全控制框架第二版指南 )。 物联网安全控制框架提供了一个工具,在开发周期中评估实施的安全性,以确保它们符合行业规定的最佳做法。
2021-05-01 09:00:08 2.45MB CSA IoT 物联网 安全
2021-04-15 18:07:31 12.81MB EasyTouch unity
语言:English (UK) 该插件为youtube提供了额外的视频控件 此插件为您提供了对YouTube视频的额外控制权。 现在提供的额外控制项是:1.转发:前进10秒2.向后:前进10秒3.速度+:提高视频速度(最大15.5倍)4.速度-:降低视频速度(最小0.5倍) )5.反转:反转视频6.停止反转:停止反转视频
2021-04-03 22:06:25 15KB 扩展程序
视频监控云台控制仪表盘控件,由 C# GDI+重写。源作者博客地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feiyangqingyun/p/9589032.html
2021-03-27 21:17:55 15KB winform 云台控制控件
IT Equipment Thermal Management and Controls
2021-02-25 09:03:08 3.08MB 电脑硬件
2021-02-04 10:04:35 252KB 控件 windows
自主配送机器人 这是IvLabs的自动驾驶平台的第一个版本。 它是使用赛车级1/10 RC汽车的底盘建造的,可用于室外道路环境。 它具有其他传感器和组件,可实现自动驾驶应用的感知,定位,计划和控制。 该项目旨在在我们研究所( )校园内,通过避障实现A到B导航。 此仓库即将更新,包括安装和使用说明
2021-02-01 19:08:00 13.2MB arduino ros planning controls
Unity touch 插件
2021-01-29 11:05:12 12.72MB unity EasyTouch
DEVELOPER EXPRESS INC DEVEXPRESS Mobile UI Android Controls Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Developer Express Inc.
2021-01-28 03:42:07 110.61MB DevXpress Native Android
ActiveX controls are an important ingredient in Microsoft's emerging "object model" approach to the Internet, applications, development tools, and operating systems. Written by a former data management consultant and current program manager at Microsoft in the Visual Languages group, ACTIVEX CONTROLS INSIDE OUT is a comprehensive update to the successful first edition, OLE Controls Inside Out. This book contains the latest on MFC, changes to OLE, and Visual Basic and Microsoft Internet Explorer support for hosting ActiveX controls. It is an indispensable resource for all those programming for Windows® and the Internet. ACTIVEX CONTROLS INSIDE OUT topics include: * Philosophy of the development process * Background of ActiveX and OLE * COM extensions for controls * Microsoft tools for creating ActiveX controls * ActiveX Controls and the Internet * ActiveX control licensing * Converting a VBX and subclassing Windows controls * 16-bit-to-32-bit and cross-platform issues * Microsoft guidelines for ActiveX Controls and control containers * Visual C++®, MFC, and the ActiveX Template Library (ATL) If you want to build powerful ActiveX controls for Windows and the Internet, here's how to do it, inside and out.
2020-02-22 03:04:21 83.58MB ActiveX controls inside out