2023-02-15 17:14:06 44KB nn 神经网络 mppt pv
1.考试形式:闭卷þ 开卷 2.考试日期: 年 月 日(答案直接答在试卷上,不要超出装订线) 3. Evaluate the following recursi
2023-02-14 22:18:09 142KB
Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4_ Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching,算法学习的一本好资源!
2023-02-11 10:36:55 516KB Algorithm
人工神经网络 具有反向传播和动量的人工神经网络(不使用角膜和张量流) 楷模 实施步骤 导入必要的库 麻木 matplotlib 球状 cv2 随机的 操作系统 下载并预处理数据集 加载训练和测试数据集 随机训练和测试数据集 调整图像大小并进行归一化 初始化随机权重和偏差 创建字典以存储权重和偏差 将权重和偏差初始化为零以进行反向传播 修复所有超参数 学习率 纪元数 层数 每层的单位数 动量(
经典的算法手册,纽约大学的教授Steve S. Skiena的书籍
2023-02-02 21:29:03 3.89MB Algorithm Design 常用算法
Written by an author team of experts in their fields, thisauthoritative guide demystifies even the most difficultmathematical concepts so that you can gain a clear understanding ofdata structures and algorithms in C++. The unparalleled author team incorporates the object-orienteddesign paradigm using C++ as the implementation language, whilealso providing intuition and analysis of fundamentalalgorithms. Offers a unique multimedia format for learning the fundamentalsof data structures and algorithms Allows you to visualize key analytic concepts, learn about themost recent insights in the field, and do data structuredesign Provides clear approaches for developing programs Features a clear, easy-to-understand writing style that breaksdown even the most difficult mathematical concepts Building on the success of the first edition, this new versionoffers you an innovative approach to fundamental data structuresand algorithms.
2023-02-02 01:14:58 21.35MB C++ data structu algorithm
机器学习入门新书,作者是华盛顿大学教授。 Algorithms increasingly run our lives. They find books, movies, jobs, and dates for us, manage our investments, and discover new drugs. More and more, these algorithms work by learning from the trails of data we leave in our newly digital world. Like curious children, they observe us, imitate, and experiment. And in the world’s top research labs and universities, the race is on to invent the ultimate learning algorithm: one capable of discovering any knowledge from data, and doing anything we want, before we even ask. Machine learning is the automation of discovery—the scientific method on steroids—that enables intelligent robots and computers to program themselves. No field of science today is more important yet more shrouded in mystery. Pedro Domingos, one of the field’s leading lights, lifts the veil for the first time to give us a peek inside the learning machines that power Google, Amazon, and your smartphone. He charts a course through machine learning’s five major schools of thought, showing how they turn ideas from neuroscience, evolution, psychology, physics, and statistics into algorithms ready to serve you. Step by step, he assembles a blueprint for the future universal learner—the Master Algorithm—and discusses what it means for you, and for the future of business, science, and society. If data-ism is today’s rising philosophy, this book will be its bible. The quest for universal learning is one of the most significant, fascinating, and revolutionary intellectual developments of all time. A groundbreaking book, The Master Algorithm is the essential guide for anyone and everyone wanting to understand not just how the revolution will happen, but how to be at its forefront.
2023-01-30 10:05:03 3.68MB Master Algorithm
格雷厄姆扫描算法 这是 Graham Scan 算法的演示,用 Java 实现并随小程序一起提供。 用法 LinkedList< Point> list = new List (); Point p0 = new Point (x, y); list . add(p0); ... Point pn = new Point (x, y); list . add(pn); GrahamScan GS = new GrahamScan (list); GS . Scan(); 参考 TH Cormen, CE Leiserson, RL Rivest & C. Stein (2001)。 算法导论。 第二版,麻省理工学院出版社 RL 格雷厄姆 (1972)。 一种确定有限平面集凸包的有效算法。 信息处理快报 1, 132-133 或者干脆在这里: :
2023-01-28 15:39:52 9KB java demo algorithm algorithms
This edited book presents new results in the area of algorithm development for different types of scheduling problems. In eleven chapters, algorithms for single machine problems, flow-shop and job-shop scheduling problems (including their hybrid (flexible) variants), the resource-constrained project scheduling problem, scheduling problems in complex manufacturing systems and supply chains, and workflow scheduling problems are given. The chapters address such subjects as insertion heuristics for energy-efficient scheduling, the re-scheduling of train traffic in real time, control algorithms for short-term scheduling in manufacturing systems, bi-objective optimization of tortilla production, scheduling problems with uncertain (interval) processing times, workflow scheduling for digital signal processor (DSP) clusters, and many more.
2023-01-21 18:22:31 3.82MB Algorithm Sc
omp算法matlab代码鲍里斯算法或鲍里斯推杆或鲍里斯旋转 用于在电磁场中数值跟踪非相对论性带电粒子的Boris算法。 基本算法可以在python脚本或Matlab脚本中找到。 C文件允许麦克斯韦速度分布中的多个粒子。 我已经为C输出(.csv格式)提供了一个matlab绘图脚本。 我已经包含了Matlab格式的功能文件。 C代码 要编译C代码,请使用自动工具:(1)autoreconf -i(2)./configure(3)make(4)./boris 注意:这是使用OpenMP(共享内存并行处理)进行并行化的。 用户可以禁用标题和行“ #pragma omp parallel for”。 Fortran90 可根据要求提供fortran90版本。 其他资源 有关推动粒子的其他资源,我推荐这两篇令人愉快的博客文章及其相关参考。 我相信还有用Java编写的示例代码:
2023-01-10 19:27:18 8KB 系统开源