classical book for AI. This is the latest edition which is published recently. Good quality! High readability!
2022-01-12 22:58:05 25.61MB Artificial Intelligence textbook 人工智能
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for BeginnersHands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners
2022-01-11 21:40:21 2.57MB ai 机器学习 深度学习 java
The challenge posed by the many-body problem in quantum physics originates from the difficulty of describing the non-trivial correlations encoded in the exponential com- plexity of the many-body wave function. Here we demonstrate that systematic machine learning of the wave function can reduce this complexity to a tractable computational form, for some notable cases of physical interest. We introduce a variational repre- sentation of quantum states based on artificial neural networks with variable number of hidden neurons. A reinforcement-learning scheme is then demonstrated, capable of either finding the ground-state or describing the unitary time evolution of complex interacting quantum systems. We show that this approach achieves very high accuracy in the description of equilibrium and dynamical properties of prototypical interacting spins models in both one and two dimensions, thus offering a new powerful tool to solve the quantum many-body problem.
2022-01-10 11:43:47 1MB 物理 神经网络
人工生命模拟:Boids Boids是由Craig Reynolds于1986年开发的人工生活程序,它模拟鸟类和鱼类的蜂群行为。 在最简单的Boids世界中应用的规则如下: 分离:避免拥挤当地的队友 路线:转向当地同类人群的平均航向 内聚力:转向向本地队友的平均位置(质心)移动 演示: 第二天: 资源:
2022-01-04 23:24:21 54.09MB C++
Artificial Intelligence For Games第二版第三章SteeringBehavior部分unity3d实现代码,unity3d版本5.6.0f3
2022-01-03 20:39:10 75KB Unity3d ai 游戏开发
2021-12-25 23:11:13 18KB JupyterNotebook
流失预测 使用人工神经网络的客户流失预测 问题陈述 任务是预测某个客户是否会放弃公司。 也就是说,要预测“客户流失”属性。 通常,为每个客户国家/地区提供的信息帐户长度区号电话国际计划VMail计划VMail消息日间日间通话日间收费夏娃·明斯平安夜电话夏娃冲锋夜分钟夜间通话夜间收费国际分钟国际通话国际收费客户服务电话搅拌? 内容 数据探索 数据预处理 训练模式 可视化模型
深脑节 此回购利用2-D和3-D全卷积神经网络(CNN)的集成,从多模态磁共振图像(MRI)分割脑肿瘤及其成分。 分段网络中使用的密集连接模式可以有效地重用较少数量的网络参数来使用功能。 在BraTS验证数据上,分割网络获得的完整肿瘤,肿瘤核心和活动肿瘤骰子分别为0.89、0.76、0.76。 特征 脑肿瘤分割 脑面罩生成SkullStripping(当前使用HD-BET和ANTs) 放射性特征 核心地位 dcm和nifty支持(将dcm转换为nifty并起作用) 基于UI的推理框架 微调 强化 逐渐解冻 自定义netwrok培训框架 全脑分割 安装 基于PyPi的安装: 所需的Python版本:3.5 安装: pip install DeepBrainSeg 或者 git clone
Intelligent optimization algorithms have advantages in dealing with complex nonlinear problems accompanied by good flexibility and adaptability. In this paper, the FCBF (Fast Correlation-Based Feature selection) method is used to filter irrelevant and redundant features in order to improve the quality of cancer classification. Then, we perform classification based on SVM (Support Vector Machine) optimized by PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) combined with.ABC (Artificial Bee Colony) approaches,
2021-12-24 16:45:19 646KB intelligent optimization; cancer classification;
输出函数分析 应该将net的值尽量控制在收敛比较快的范围内 可以用其它的函数作为激活函数,只要该函数是处处可导的   0.5 f ′(net) 0.25 o 0 1 1 (0,0.5)  net (0,0) o
2021-12-22 21:35:46 1.19MB 神经网络 AI 深度学习