Hbase 实战.pdf mobi转换而来 不是扫描版 全文索引 目录
2021-09-25 10:48:04 32.48MB Hbase 实战 非扫描版
2021-09-13 15:24:00 6.92MB 802.11
2021-09-06 18:44:53 6.06MB unix 系统编程
2021-09-06 09:05:51 117.46MB WP'F'
鲁棒控制——线性矩阵不等式处理方法 俞立 文字版比网上流传的图片扫面版更加清晰可读。控制理论研究人员必备资料。
2021-09-05 10:53:49 1.9MB 鲁棒控制 现代控制理论 LMI矩阵
IT项目经理成长手记-潘东 & 韩秋泉.pdf
2021-09-03 09:37:07 9.31MB 经验
Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on integration that is supported by a central focus on programming language design., The book provides readers with a solid foundation for understanding the most important issues driving software development today, and this l atest edition is complete with new material and numerous updates, including added content on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, and new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures., Provides new material on interpretation, including expanded coverage of OCaml, Contains new material on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, New chapters are devoted to type systems and composite types, Includes updated and re-worked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, Presents new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures
2021-09-02 06:13:49 5.66MB 软件工程
6.3 ToolsTalk设置的配置 本节主要说明ToolsTalk的部分可用设置。在“设置”对话框中有以下设置。这些设置均可 以进行离线配置。 * 与PF单元的通信设置; * ToolsTalk PF应用程序内查看信息的设置; * 打印设置; * PF列表的管理。 在菜单栏上打开“选项 > 设置”。 6.3.1 通信 在“通信”标签中共有四个区域,其中包括“查看事件设置”、“串行端口设置”、“以太网设置” 以及“日志”。 在“查看事件设置”区域中,可选择控制器错误和警告的查看设置。
2021-09-01 11:03:20 4.44MB 阿特拉斯
算法导论 英文版, 目录全,不是扫描版! 希望可以帮助大家学习算法
2021-08-30 23:14:40 5.61MB 算法
数学分析学习指导书上册(华东师范大学,吴良森 毛羽辉 韩士安 吴 畏)