2022-04-06 01:01:22 39KB
2022-04-06 00:35:46 999KB 华为
2022-03-29 22:04:46 2.11MB OpenStack
“There’s an incredible amount of depth and thinking in the practices described here, and it’s impressive to see it all in one place.” —Win Treese, coauthor of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Volume 2, focuses on “distributed” or “cloud” computing and brings a DevOps/SRE sensibility to the practice of system administration. Unsatisfied with books that cover either design or operations in isolation, the authors created this authoritative reference centered on a comprehensive approach. Case studies and examples from Google, Etsy, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and other industry giants are explained in practical ways that are useful to all enterprises. The new companion to the best-selling first volume, The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, this guide offers expert coverage of the following and many other crucial topics: Designing and building modern web and distributed systems Fundamentals of large system design Understand the new software engineering implications of cloud administration Make systems that are resilient to failure and grow and scale dynamically Implement DevOps principles and cultural changes IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and virtual platform selection Operating and running systems using the latest DevOps/SRE strategies Upgrade production systems with zero down-time What and how to automate; how to decide what not to automate On-call best practices that improve uptime Why distributed systems require fundamentally different system administration techniques Identify and resolve resiliency problems before they surprise you Assessing and evaluating your team’s operational effectiveness Manage the scientific process of continuous improvement A forty-page, pain-free assessment system you can start using today
2022-03-27 00:47:22 5.6MB 云计算 平台管理 实践
物理不可克隆函数(Physical Unclonable Functions,PUF)在设备认证和安全密钥存储等应用中具有高度灵活性,并被广泛用于嵌入式系统的安全防护。利用PUF技术为双核安全架构提供可信根(PUF-based Root of Trust,PRoT),设计了以PRoT为信任锚点的信任链和密钥更新协议,保证了在SoC系统上可信关系的逐级扩展以及安全启动的可靠性和安全性。通过测试实验表明,PUF能够为嵌入式系统提供安全灵活的可信根,PRoT能够以较小TCB运行于双核隔离SoC系统中,其随机数种子和唯一设备密钥对多种攻击具有抗性。
2022-03-22 20:25:43 407KB PUF
2022-03-21 10:41:08 2.71MB 云计算
Fuel 是一个为openstack 端到端”一键部署“设计的工具,其功能含盖自动的PXE方式的操作系统安装,DHCP服务,Orchestration服务 和puppet 配置管理相关服务等,此外还有openstack 关键业务健康检查和log 实时查看等非常好用的服务
2022-03-20 14:15:05 11.51MB FUEL
2022-03-09 08:26:54 4.03MB 综合资料
2022-02-26 09:10:20 1.83MB 云计算
DB52T 1539.1-2021 政务云 第1部分:云计算平台基础设施建设指南 本文件按照GB/T1.1-2020《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。 本文件是DB52/T 1539的第1部分。DB52/T 1539已经发布了以下部分: ----第1部分:云计算平台基础设施建设指南: ----第2部分:云资源管理通用要求; ----第3部分:云计算平台运维管理规范: ----第4部分:政务信息系统云化部署和迁移规范; ----第5部分:政务信息系统建设管理规范。 请注意本文件的某些内容可能涉及专利。本文件的发布机构不承担识别这些专利的责任。本文件由贵州省大数据发展管理局提出并归口。 本文件起草单位:贵州省机械电子产品质量检验检测院、云上贵州大数据产业发展有限公司、贵州中软云上数据技术服务有限公司、贵州省信息中心、贵州省量子信息和大数据应用技术研究院。
2022-02-26 09:10:19 1.25MB 政务 云计算