包括: 1. Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach, 6th Edition 2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 8th Edition 3. Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, 3rd Edition 4. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications 5. Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition 6. Introduction to Algorithms, 4th Edition 7. Thomas’ Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 14th Edition 8. Thomas’ Calculus in SI Units, 14th Edition 9. Thomas’ Calculus, 14th Edition 10.Thomas’ Calculus, 11th Edition 绝对物超所值!
FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice and chat-driven products, scaling from a soft-phone to a PBX and even up to an enterprise-class soft-switch. This book introduces FreeSWITCH to IT professionals who want to build their own telephony system.
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100 Power Tips for FPGA Designers 目前, fpga逻辑设计已经成为一个高度专业化的硬件设计领域,它需要设计者熟练地掌握设计工具,深刻理解fpga的内在结构及灵活运用设计语言,从而能够有效 地完成复杂的设计任务。本书旨在系统地和读者分享这些知识与经验,帮助电子工程师和学生提高其fpga设计技能。读者可以从书中发现有价值的实用设计经 验,这些经验在其他相关的教材中较少涉及。本书以xilinx公司的fpga和集成开发环境为应用背景,示例以verilog hdl为设计语言
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Microsoft Dynamics NAV Financial Management
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Microwave Engineering (3rd Edtion)《微波工程》D.M.Pozar英文原版part3(共3部分) 中文版的错漏不少,可以参考英文原版。 仅供对照,版权归原作者所有。
2022-11-07 21:18:21 26.56MB Microwave Engineering 微波工程 英文原版
If programming is magic then web scraping is surely a form of wizardry. By writing a simple automated program, you can query web servers, request data, and parse it to extract the information you need. The expanded edition of this practical book not only introduces you web scraping, but also serves as a comprehensive guide to scraping almost every type of data from the modern web. Part I focuses on web scraping mechanics: using Python to request information from a web server, performing basic handling of the server’s response, and interacting with sites in an automated fashion. Part II explores a variety of more specific tools and applications to fit any web scraping scenario you’re likely to encounter. Parse complicated HTML pages Develop crawlers with the Scrapy framework Learn methods to store data you scrape Read and extract data from documents Clean and normalize badly formatted data Read and write natural languages Crawl through forms and logins Scrape JavaScript and crawl through APIs Use and write image-to-text software Avoid scraping traps and bot blockers Use scrapers to test your website
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Introduction To Algorithms
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