10篇经典的推荐系统文章,Reinforcement Learning based Recommender System using Biclustering Technique;Learning Continuous User Representations through Hybrid Filtering with doc2vec;Deep Reinforcement Learning for List-wise Recommendations;Leveraging Long and Short-term Information in Content-aware Movie Recommendation;Deep Collaborative Autoencoder for Recommender Systems: A Unified Framework for Explicit and Implicit Feedback;Use of Deep Learning in Modern Recommendation System: A Summary of Recent Works;A Context-Aware User-Item Representation Learning for Item Recommendation;Pixie: A System for Recommending 3+ Billion Items to 200+ Million Users in Real-Time;Recommender Systems with Random Walks: A Survey;Deep Learning Based Recommender System: a Survey and New Perspectives;Auto-Encoding User Ratings via Knowledge Graphs in Recommendation Scenarios;A Deep Multimodal Approach for Cold-start Music Recommendation