外文论文一篇,基于细胞自动机的图像分割 以及我根据此写的代码
STRCF算法是视觉跟踪相关滤波算法的一种,贡献点有2点: 1、加入了时间正则项,防止模型的腐败 2、使用ADMM迭代求解,获得实时性 资源包含matlab代码实现、论文和原理解读,帮助大家复现论文,并改进算法
2021-04-28 15:35:56 2.47MB ACF 目标检测
2021-04-23 13:59:37 3.13MB 协同进化
基于拉格朗日对偶的优化问题求解 我提供优化问题及约束条件 拉格朗日对偶法解决 其中对偶拉格朗日变量的更新使用椭圆法实现 最后输出最优值
2021-04-07 21:12:06 5.94MB matlab 算法 论文报告
这篇论文很好的诠释了免疫遗传算法,如果有不明白的可以找找我之前传的免疫算法和遗传算法资料会有帮助。开始做算法我也是到处去找源码,后来发现还是自己写出来的最可靠。这篇论文有个小错误,我用Adabi Reader注解出来了,不要用Adobe打开。如有疑问,发邮件到我的邮箱lingyingquan@126.com,呵呵(我不会提供代码,呵呵)
2021-03-23 11:57:25 400KB 免疫遗传算法
2021-03-04 19:52:07 57.75MB 论文,代码
顶点成分分析算法是一种非监督的端元提取算法。顶点成分分析法假设纯净像元存在,根据凸面几何原理,认为端元都位于单形体的顶点。VCA 算法通过将数据投影到一个正交的子空间方向计算投影距离值最大的像元,它就是要寻找的端元。要不断进行迭代计算,直到所有的端元都被找到。 VCA 的计算步骤为: ① 对图像数据进行降维处理,设定一个信噪比门限值 SNRth,根据图像的信噪 比与门限值对比大小分别采用主成分分析法 ( PCA) 或者奇异值分解法( SVD) 对图像数据进行降维; ② 利用随机生成的正态分布矩阵计算初始向量,将所有的像元点向初始向量方向投影,找到投影值最大的作为端元; ③ 继续计算新的投影向量方向并进行迭代计算直到找出所有的端元,本资源实现了VCA算法来非监督提取端元,希望对研究端元提取的朋友有用
2021-02-27 15:26:04 9.29MB 端元提取算法论文及代码
KDD 2018滴滴派单算法论文。 We present a novel order dispatch algorithm in large-scale on- demand ride-hailing platforms. While traditional order dispatch approaches usually focus on immediate customer satisfaction, the proposed algorithm is designed to provide a more efficient way to optimize resource utilization and user experience in a global and more farsighted view. In particular, we model order dispatch as a large-scale sequential decision-making problem, where the decision of assigning an order to a driver is determined by a centralized algo- rithm in a coordinated way. The problem is solved in a learning and planning manner: 1) based on historical data, we first summarize demand and supply patterns into a spatiotemporal quantization, each of which indicates the expected value of a driver being in a particular state; 2) a planning step is conducted in real-time, where each driver-order-pair is valued in consideration of both immedi- ate rewards and future gains, and then dispatch is solved using a combinatorial optimizing algorithm. Through extensive offline experiments and online AB tests, the proposed approach delivers remarkable improvement on the platform’s efficiency and has been successfully deployed in the production system of Didi Chuxing.
2021-02-20 18:45:47 8.29MB 强化学习 滴滴 组合优化
2021-02-10 11:02:34 484KB shazam