STT-2-2-1-1 TD-LTE规模技术试验-MTNet室内测试- TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/GSM(GPRS)多模数据卡测试规范
2021-11-16 23:45:28 1.81MB 多模数据卡
AEB FVCMS 功能需求和测试规范,智能驾驶工程师必备工具。
2021-11-16 14:32:02 1.95MB ADAS AEB FVCMS ISO228
2021-11-11 11:10:10 3.77MB 计算机 软件测试 规范
华为 web安全测试规范
2021-11-10 16:45:09 2.4MB 华为 web测试规范
2021-11-08 15:12:50 7.53MB TC8 automo
Contains a guide for writing software requirements specifications. This standard describes the necessary content and qualities of a good Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and presents a prototype SRS outline. This guide does not specify industry-wide SRS standards nor state mandatory SRS requirements. This guide is written under the premise that the current state of the art does not warrant or support such a formal standards document. This guide is applicable to in-house and commercial software products. Special care, however, should be used in its application because: (1) this guide is aimed at specifying requirements of software to be developed. Application of this material to already developed software is counterproductive; and (2) this guide does not cover the specification of requirements for software being developed using the techniques of rapid prototyping.
2021-11-07 23:06:18 144KB 开发、测试规范
Open Alliance 发布的TC8测试规范,本文是由思博伦、罗德施瓦茨以及Technica Engineering提供的整体解决方案;包括物理层PMA测试,IOP测试以及协议层一致性测试;
2021-11-05 17:20:52 4.21MB TC8 Open Allianc IOP
中国移动5GSA无线网络性能评估测试规范 目录 1 总体原则 4 1.1 核心内容 4 1.2 测试手段 4 2 测试细则 4 2.1 道路测试要求 5 2.2 测试工具 5 2.3测试卡要求 5 2.4 FTP服务器要求 5 2.5 测试网络 5 2.6 测试业务及方法 6 3 数据分析方法及数据上报要求 7 4 SA指标建议 7
2021-11-03 19:01:28 32KB 中国移动5GSA无线网络性能评估
测试流程及测试规范文档,以及BUG提交文档 说明: 此文档使用offic2007编辑的,请下载下来后使用2003兼容程序或2007打开
2021-11-02 17:39:28 40KB 测试规范
2021-10-27 22:47:43 879KB CMCC AGPS GPS 测试