粒子群算法的寻优算法-非线性函数极值寻优 matlab程序
python求极值点主要用到scipy库。 1. 首先可先选择一个函数或者拟合一个函数,这里选择拟合数据:np.polyfit import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy import signal #滤波等 xxx = np.arange(0, 1000) yyy = np.sin(xxx*np.pi/180) z1 = np.polyfit(xxx, yyy, 7) # 用7次多项式拟合 p1 = np.poly1d(z1) #多项式系数 print(p1) # 在屏幕
2021-11-23 20:41:37 98KB python 方法
MATLAB peakfiender matlab极值查找程序 n迭代次数,data是一维输入,peakval是找到峰值,peakcoor是峰值所在位置
2021-11-17 10:40:38 26KB peakfinder
2021-11-15 10:08:57 3KB 自然计算 遗传算法 多目标 极值
2021-11-13 16:06:37 3KB MATLAB Genetic Algorith
Given symmetric matrices B,D ∈ R n×n and a symmetric positive definite matrix W ∈ R n×n , maximizingthe sum of the Rayleighquotientx ? Dx andthe gener- alized Rayleigh quotient x ? Bx x ? Wx on the unit sphere not only is of mathematical interest in its own right, but also finds applications in practice. In this paper, we first present a real world application arising from the sparse Fisher discriminant analysis. To tackle this problem, our first effort is to characterize the local and global maxima by investi- gating the optimality conditions. Our results reveal that finding the global solution is closely related with a special extreme nonlinear eigenvalue problem, and in the spe- cial case D = μW (μ > 0), the set of the global solutions is essentially an eigenspace corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of a specially-defined matrix. The characteri- zation of the global solution not only sheds some lights on the maximization problem, but motives a starting point strategy to obtain the global maximizer for any monoton- ically convergent iteration. Our second part then realizes the Riemannian trust-region method of Absil, Baker and Gallivan (Found. Comput. Math. 7:303–330, 2007) into a practical algorithm to solve this problem, which enjoys the nice convergence prop- erties: global convergence and local superlinear convergence. Preliminary numerical tests are carried out and empirical evaluation of its performance is reported.
2021-11-11 11:27:29 2.91MB 广义瑞利商
2021-11-10 15:41:58 3KB 遗传算法 函数极值 最优化
霍姆斯(JW Holmes)提出了广义极值(GEV)分布的介绍,并在他的书“结构的风荷载” [1]中应用了极风速度。 本子程序复制了[1]中给出的一些示例,带有和不带有Matlab统计工具箱[2]。 本呈件包含: •2个函数fitGEV.m和mygevcdf.m •一个Matlab Livescript文件Documentation.mlx,它再现了[1]中给出的一些结果。 •一个数据文件文件EastSale.mat 参考: [1] Holmes,JD(2015)。 结构的风荷载。 CRC出版社。 [2] https://www.mathworks.com/products/statistics.html
2021-11-03 17:11:21 141KB matlab