摘 要:结合EPS 的结构和动力学特性,建立了EPS 的动力学方程,采用PID 控制方法分别对电机进行助力和回正控制,并结合三自由度的整车模型(考虑侧倾影响)和Fiala 轮胎模型建立了EPS 整体仿真模型。分析了EPS 系统对方向盘瞬态响应品质的影响以及路面冲击下汽车纵横向加速度的变化。
Abstract: Based on the structure and the dynamic characteristics of electric power steering system , the dynamic equation of the steering system was established using PID control strategy to assist motor and steering reversal control respectively, and combined with three-axis car load model and Fiala tire model, the EPS integral-simulation model was established. The characteristic of Steering Wheel’s transient state response quality affected by EPS system and the variation of longitudinal and latitude acceleration due to disturbance of the road condition was analyzed.
Key words: electric power steering ; modeling; whole vehicle; simulation