2019-12-21 20:14:00 29.61MB 数据通信
C++ GUI Qt4 编程(中文第二版)_扫描版_10M,完整版。
2019-12-21 20:13:20 10.12MB 编程开发
how Linux work 精通Linux 中文第二版 带书签,纯文字版,非扫描 Brian Ward
2019-12-21 20:10:26 2.29MB Linux Brian Ward 中文第二版
2019-12-21 19:48:53 23.44MB 奥本海姆
《lex与yacc》(第二版)是惟一一本专门介绍这两个重要的UNIX编程工具的书。这本新版本是完全的修订版,并以很多新的扩充示例代替了旧的示例。几个介绍性章节已经完全重写,还有一章专门介绍实现SQL语法,给出了有经验的程序员希望看到的各种细节。 本书对lex和yacc的重要主题提供了详尽的参考。对所有主要的lex和yacc的MS-DOS和UNIX版本,本书都进行了介绍,包括AT&T lex和yacc、Berkeley yacc、Berkeley/Gnu flex、Gnu bison、MKS lex和yacc、Abraxas PCYACC等等。
2019-12-21 19:25:47 5.48MB lex Yac (带源码
In the first edition of Thinking in C++, Bruce Eckel synthesized years of C++ teaching and programming experience into a beautifully structured course in making the most of the language. It became an instant classic, winning the 1995 Software Development Jolt Cola Award for best book of the year. Now, Eckel has thoroughly rewritten Thinking in C++ to reflect the final ANSI/ISO C++ standard. Every page has been revisited and rethought, with many new examples and exercises -- all designed to help you understand C++ "down to the bare metal," so you can solve virtually any problem. Eckel starts with a detailed look at objects, showing how C++ programs can be constructed from off-the-shelf object libraries. This edition includes a new, chapter-length overview of the C features that are used in C++ -- plus a new CD-ROM containing an outstanding C seminar that covers all the foundations developers need before they can truly take advantage of C++. Eckel then walks through initialization and cleanup; function overloading and default arguments; constants; inline functions; name control; references and the copy constructor; operator overloading; and more. There are chapters on dynamic object creation; inheritance and composition; polymorphism and virtual functions, and templates. (Bonus coverage of string, templates, and the Standard Template Library, can be found at Eckel's web site.) Every chapter contains many modular, to-the-point examples, plus exercises based on Eckel's extensive experience teaching C++ seminars. Put simply, Eckel has made an outstanding book on C++ even better.
2019-12-21 18:54:23 13.44MB C++编程思想
雷达手册 ,中文 第二版。 全本,包括接收机、发射机、天线、处理机等等。可以做参考
2019-12-21 18:51:44 60.3MB 雷达
2010-10-10 00:00:00 767KB java数据结构 算法 源代码 applet演示