2021-10-04 21:32:55 1.39MB 网络与通讯
2021-10-04 17:00:15 1.13MB Quectel
mfix 使用手册,官方英文版, MFiX is an open-source multiphase flow solver, providing a Two-Fluid Model (TFM), a Discrete Element Model (DEM), a Particle In Cell (PIC) model, and a Hybrid model. These models can be used to simulate a variety of multiphase flow devices including gasifiers, circulating fluid bed combusters, fluidized beds, fluid catalytic crackers, and chemical looping combustion systems. Please visit the Multiphase Flow Science website for more information.
2021-10-02 15:57:10 6.63MB mfix user guide 官方英文版
The first officially authorized study guide for the challenging Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition exams. Java platform experts Cade and Roberts provide expert guidance and background for designing effective J2EETM technology architectures—as well as comprehensive preparation for every exam element: multiple-choice exam, assignment, and essay. You’ll find start-to-finish coverage of key J2EE platform architectural issues and every exam objective, including:
2021-10-02 15:29:31 1.9MB Enterprise Architect for J2EE™
作者:(美)卡尔·夏皮罗(Carl Shapiro),(美)哈尔·瓦里安(Hal Varian)著 张帆译 中国人民大学出版社出版 【内容简介】 日新月异的的技术使旧的商业模式显得不复适用,但是经济学的基本规律仍然是不可动摇的。掌握这一规律的人在新环境中生存了下来,没有掌握这些规律的人失败了。本书运用网络经济中的经济学知识,从经济研究和作者自己的经验中提取出适合信息相关产业的经理们的知识。本书描述的思想、概念、模型和思考方法会帮助你作出更好的决策,指引你在当今纷乱的商业世界中乘风破浪。
2021-10-01 18:59:26 7.62MB Information Rules A Strategic Guide
PARSING TECHNIQUES ,轮子哥推荐的编译原理书籍,英文版本,带书签,本来想设置一个0积分下载,可惜没有这个选项。。。很棒的一本书,仅供交流,切勿商用!
2021-10-01 16:25:20 3.85MB 编译原理实践
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2021-10-01 08:42:44 307KB HTML
Juniper网络公司认证的互联网初级专员(JNCIA-M),Enterprise routing and switching
2021-10-01 07:17:25 6.01MB Juniper认证 jucia 路由与交换
Systems Engineering Guide: Considerations for Systems Engineering in a System of Systems Environment
2021-09-30 21:27:34 2.06MB SoS