这是Flir Lepton 热像仪传感器的 source code,可在Raspberry PI上使用,需有Lepton Sensor与一个转板。内附转板电路图与source code。
2021-09-06 17:22:53 2.52MB flir lepton
2021-09-06 17:19:58 112B 计算机科学
2021-09-06 17:03:46 1.21MB 编程字体
Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools focuses on building a deep understanding of how to exploit open source intelligence (OSINT) techniques, methods, and tools to acquire information from publicly available online sources to support intelligence analysis. The harvested data can be used in different scenarios such as financial, crime,and terrorism investigations as well as in more regular tasks such as analyzing business competitors, running background checks, and acquiring intelligence about individuals and other entities. This book will also improve your skills in acquiring information online from the surface web, the deep web, and the darknet. Many estimates show that 90 percent of useful information acquired by intelligence services comes from public sources (in other words, OSINT sources). Social media sites open up numerous opportunities for investigations because of the vast amount of useful information located in one place. For example, you can get a great deal of personal information about any person worldwide by just checking their Facebook page. This book will show you how to conduct advanced social media investigations to access content believed to be private, use advanced search engines queries to return accurate results, search historical deleted versions of websites, track individuals online using public record databases and people-searching tools, locate information buried in the deep web, access and navigate the dark web, collect intelligence from the dark web, view multiple historic satellite images and street views of any location, search geolocation information within popular social media sites, and more. In short, you will learn how to use a plethora of techniques, tools, and free online services to gather intelligence about any target online. OSINT-gathering activities should be conducted secretly to avoid revealing the searcher’s identity. Therefore, this book will teach you how to conceal your digital identity and become anonymous online
2021-09-06 16:56:56 8MB Intelligence Open Source
Source Insight_4.0.0120最新pj 1、理解代码 快速了解现有代码库,并快速掌握新项目。通过查看在何处使用功能和对象来评估潜在更改的成本。请参阅类继承和函数调用树。 2、快速浏览 软件解析您的整个项目,让您轻松地导航和编辑代码,同时自动向您显示信息。轻松跳转到函数的调用者或对变量的引用。 3、发现 查看在何处使用函数和变量。Source Insight几乎可以立即自动显示对函数,变量,类等的引用。使用高级搜索功能搜索整个项目。 4、代码分析 软件具有针对C / C ++,C#,Java,Objective-C等的内置动态分析。 5、强大的编辑功能 使用强大的编辑功能,包括
2021-09-06 15:47:08 19.88MB SourceInsight
flume是一个日志收集器,更多详细的介绍可以参照官网:http://flume.apache.org/ flume-ng-sql-source实现oracle增量数据读取 有了这个jar文件即可从关系型数据库拉去数据到flume
2021-09-06 11:37:46 31KB flume
FlexCel for VCL / FireMonkey是一款处理Excel文件的Delphi XE~XE10.3控件套包。更有大量的API能直接读写本地Excel文件。Flexcel可完成在未安装Excel的OS-X或Windows系统的机器上读取或创建复杂的电子数据表。源码版,清测
2021-09-05 21:05:20 145.12MB TMS FlexCel Delphi Xe10.3
Source Insight
2021-09-05 12:02:35 19.87MB SourceInsight 代码阅读器
OpenCV-AR-示例 欢迎来到我的仓库,了解如何使用OpenCV和其他开源工具学习AR。 这不是用于学习计算机视觉或增强现实软件的教程(您可以轻松地从中搜索很多),而是该存储库是一个应用程序和其他程序的集合,您在学习AR时可能会觉得有用。 准备好 除了拥有PC /笔记本电脑(带有网络摄像头)或Android Mobile(带有摄像头)之外,您还必须熟悉C ++及其一些库: 一个开源计算机视觉库。 在C ++和python中可用 开源行业赞誉的设计库。 提供C,C ++和Java版本 -OpenCV一个贡献模块,提供简单的正方形标记检测和姿势估计。 我在大多数程序中都使用过它。 Andr
2021-09-05 10:45:44 165.92MB open-source opencv opengl cpp
交换机引导 解释 这是NVIDIA从私人档案中泄露的Nintendo Switch控制台bootrom的源代码。 t210文件夹是所有v1 / Erista单元的bootrom源代码。 t214文件夹是所有v2 / Mariko装置的bootrom源代码。
2021-09-04 21:52:48 7.48MB 系统开源