1. 使用的文法如下: E ® TE ¢ E ¢ ® + TE ¢ | e T ® FT ¢ T ¢ ® * FT ¢ | e F ® (E) | id 2. 对于任意给定的输入串(词法记号流)进行语法分析,递归下降方法和非递归预测分析方法可以任选其一来实现。 3. 要有一定的错误处理功能。即对错误能提示,并且能在一定程度上忽略尽量少的记号来进行接下来的分析。可以参考书上介绍的同步记号集合来处理。 可能的出错情况:idid*id, id**id, (id+id, +id*+id …… 4. 输入串以#结尾,输出推导过程中使用到的产生式。例如: 输入:id+id*id# 输出:E ® TE ¢ T ® FT ¢ F ® id E ¢ ® + TE ¢ T ® FT ¢ …… 如果输入串有错误,则在输出中要体现是跳过输入串的某些记号了,还是弹栈,弹出某个非终结符或者是终结符了,同时给出相应的出错提示信息。比如: idid*id对应的出错信息是:“输入串跳过记号id,用户多输入了一个id”; id**id对应的出错信息是:“弹栈,弹出非终结符F,用户少输入了一个id” (id+id对应的出错信息是:“弹栈,弹出终结符 ) ,用户少输入了一个右括号(或者说,括号不匹配)”
2021-10-13 16:59:39 10KB 编译原理
解压后是html及相关文件. 功能是从PlanetB(http://www.planetb.ca/syntax-highlight-word)薅过来的. 使用时, 将代码复制并粘贴到文本域中, 然后单击确认按钮, 会生成语法高亮的代码. 复制它们然后粘贴到 Word 中, 就可以看到已经格式化的代码块了. 目前支持 java/sql/xml, css在压缩包中, 可自行添加. 如果不经常用, 可参考这里(https://blog.csdn.net/gun_008/article/details/120634616)
Architecture-driven Modernization Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel (ASTM) V1.pdf The purpose of the ASTM is to provide a framework that allows tool vendors and tool clients to build and use tools that conform to commonly agreed upon modeling specifications for the interchange of abstract syntax models of software. Interoperability is achieved when models can be interchanged using modeling elements that conform to those specified in the ASTM specification. The internal proprietary models of tools need not conform the ASTM for a tool to be considered compliant with the ASTM. To be considered compliant a tool need only adhere to the ASTM as a model interchange specification. Tool conformance is concerned solely with the ability of tools to interchange models that conform to the ASTM. • For a GAST model to conform with the ASTM it must conform to the GAST Metamodel provided by this specification. • For a SAST model to conform to the ASTM it must conform to both the GASTM model provided with this specification as well as the SASTM model provided by some future SASTM specification. The ASTM is a bi-dimension multi-layered modeling specification. The two dimensions of the ASTM define both syntactic as well as the semantic properties of software. The layers of the ASTM define a core set of modeling elements, the GASTM, that are common to many programming languages as well as a set of extensions, the SASTMs, that extend from the core for and are used in concert with the GASTM for defining models specialized to particular programming languages. Table 2.1 illustrates the Compliance Points of the ASTM.
2021-10-13 13:54:55 8.96MB OMG 架构 语法
2021-10-13 13:05:18 56KB 语法
2021-10-13 08:43:40 3.85MB TIPTOP语法
2021-10-12 19:46:58 269KB 英语 语法 简明教程
PKCS #7:加密消息语法标准,这一标准描述了待加密数据的一般语法,比如数字签名和数字信封。该语法允许递 归,如一个信封能够包含在另一个当中,或者一方能够对一已存在的封装数据进行 签名。它也允许专有的属性和消息的内容一起被鉴别,比如签名时间,并且提供其 他属性如伴随着签名的连属(countersignature)。该语法的一个简化版提供了发布证 书和CRL的方法。
2021-10-12 10:08:29 336KB pkcs#7
2021-10-12 10:02:15 20KB 数据库
编译原理 语法分析 词法分析 源代码 报告可以直接当作业交 这个是我的当时得了优 更多报告 http://hi.baidu.com/yanzi52351
2021-10-11 19:10:40 364KB 编译原理 语法分析 词法分析 源代码
非常非常不错的语法分析器实验报告 语法分析器 实验报告 词法分析器 编译原理
2021-10-11 13:05:06 85KB 编译原理 实验报告