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2022-05-26 11:04:37 154.79MB 源码软件 打印机驱动惠普HPOffic
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Pro Python 3, 3rd Edition (2019 Apress出版) Features and Tools for Professional Development Pro Python 3, 3rd Edition Author: J. Burton Browning, Marty Alchin ISBN-10: 1484243846 Year: 2019 Pages: 480 Language: English File size: 6 MB File format: PDF, ePub Category: Python Book Description: Refine your programming techniques and approaches to become a more productive and creative Python programmer. This book explores the concepts and features that will improve not only your code but also your understanding of the Python community with insights and details about the Python philosophy. Pro Python 3, Third Edition gives you the tools to write clean, innovative code. It starts with a review of some core Python principles, which are illustrated by various concepts and examples later in the book. The first half of the book explores aspects of functions, classes, protocols, and strings, describing techniques which may not be common knowledge, but which together form a solid foundation. Later chapters cover documentation, testing, and app distribution. Along the way, you’ll develop a complex Python framework that incorporates ideas learned throughout the book. Updates in this edition include the role of iterators in Python 3, web scraping with Scrapy and BeautifulSoup, using Requests to call web pages without strings, new tools for distribution and installation, and much more. By the end of the book you’ll be ready to deploy uncommon features that can take your skills to the next level in Python. What You’ll Learn Implement programs with various types of Python functions Work with classes and object-oriented programming Use strings from the standard library and third-party libraries Harvest web site data with Python Automate unit testing by writing a test suite Review imaging, random number generation, and NumPy scientific extensions Understand The Zen of Python documentation to help you decide the best way to distribute your code Who This Book Is For Intermediate programmers familiar with Python who are looking to move to an advanced level. You should have written at least a simple Python application, and be comfortable with a basic object-oriented approach, using the interactive interpreter, and writing control structures.
2022-05-25 09:53:32 5.96MB Python
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软件介绍 PMView Pro 是一款超快看图软件,无论多大的图片,PMView Pro 翻页图片的速度都快得不可思议。PMView Pro 还支持多种图形格式的图形浏览、编辑、转换软件,支持滤镜、打印、自动生成缩略图,还可进行屏幕拷贝、图形扫描、SlideShow 创建,支持对图形进行旋转、改变大小、对比度等
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FileLocator Pro 提供了一种最经济实惠的方式,来彻底搜索您计算机中的所有重要数据。FileLocator Pro 提供了独特的高级功能,即使在最晦涩的文件格式中也能挖掘出信息。无论是源代码行、日志文件条目、法律简报,还是给家人的圣诞信,FileLocator Pro 都可帮助您快速查找需要的内容。
2022-05-24 19:02:16 28.8MB 文档搜索
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Advanced Encryption Package是一款简易好用的文件加密程序,安装成功,软件会自动集成到标准的Windows Explorer中,为用户提供文件加密、解密功能。 Advanced Encryption Package软件简介 Advanced Encryption Package是一个高级的的文件加密程序,制作出来的文件不需要AEP便可执行。采行军用级编码标准,支持以448bit编码的Blowfish和128bit编码的DES.程序还支持面版更换。 Advanced Encryption Package软件特点 它很好地与Windows资源管理器集成,初次接触也会很快上手使用。 强大和成熟的加密算法,以保护您的敏感文件(20)。 文件和/或文本加密。 对称和非对称算法(17资料销毁演算法)。 安全文件删除。 使用USB闪存驱动器[EN]解密密钥存储。 创建自解压文件加密发送为电子邮件 attachement。无需额外的软件需要在另一端! 完整的命令行支持完全自动化 [EN]解密任务。 "锦囊妙技"栏目是聚合全网软件使用的技巧或者软件使用过程中各种问题的解答类文
2022-05-24 18:00:51 9.9MB 源码软件