2022-10-17 08:33:09 2.32MB editplus
MSYS2使用pacman端口(从Arch Linux已知)进行软件包管理。这带来了许多强大的功能,如依赖关系解析和简单的完整系统升级,以及提供makepkg-mingw用于制作这些软件包的构建系统
2022-10-16 22:54:12 66.34MB msys2-x86_64 Pacman
MongoDB Community Server(mongodb-org-server-6.0.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm)适用于RedHat / CentOS 7.0
2022-10-16 22:05:19 30.63MB MongoDB
MongoDB Community Server(mongodb-org-mongos-6.0.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm)适用于RedHat / CentOS 7.0
2022-10-16 22:05:19 21.4MB mongodb
MongoDB Community Server(mongodb-org-server-6.0.2-1.suse15.x86_64.rpm)适用于SUSE 15
2022-10-16 22:05:16 27.59MB MongoDB
MongoDB Community Server(mongodb-org-server-6.0.2-1.suse12.x86_64.rpm)适用于SUSE 12
2022-10-16 22:05:15 27.59MB MongoDB
谷歌浏览器-Chrome 106.0.5249.119[官方正式含更新组件版64位] 谷歌浏览器Google Chrome正式版,详细版本号为v106.0.5249.119,发布于10月6日
2022-10-16 22:01:34 88.83MB 谷歌 浏览器-
The Windows debuggers can run on x86-based, x64-based, or ARM-based processors, and they can debug code that's running on x86-based, x64-based, or ARM-based processors. Sometimes the debugger and the code being debugged run on the same computer, but other times the debugger and the code being debugged run on separate computers. In either case, the computer that's running the debugger is called the host computer, and the computer that is being debugged is called the target computer. The Windows debuggers support the following versions of Windows for both the host and target computers.
2022-10-16 18:00:14 65.63MB windbg 6.11 6.12 32位64位
在安装了office2007的电脑64位上安装access 数据源,用于64位系统识别access数据源,FastReport中亲测可用。
2022-10-16 13:32:08 26.84MB OFFICE2007 ACCESS数据源 AccessDatabaseEn access
2022-10-16 00:17:32 2.5MB notepad Notepad++ 文本编辑器