扫雷游戏设计 扫雷游戏针对对象设计的原始码和文档,2015年本科毕业设计毕业论文。 文件夹组织 src文件夹为该游戏的源代码文件; 发布文件夹为该游戏的打包文件,可直接点击运行游戏; 资产文件夹里包含毕业论文,详细针对对象设计(UML)和相关参考文献; 课程设计包含的知识点 Java面向对象编程; 软件工程面向对象分析,面向对象设计,软件测试; 数据结构中递归算法设计的思想。 游戏运行 安装java虚拟机的系统可以直接运行发布文件夹下的Game.jar程序。
2021-05-10 16:43:56 5.4MB 系统开源
Game Creator v1.1.12.unitypackage
2021-05-10 14:05:55 27.32MB Unity GameCreator
2021-05-10 11:03:07 2KB python
Features Introduces the differences between static/traditional game design and procedural game design Demonstrates how to solve or avoid common problems with procedural game design in a variety of concrete ways Includes industry leaders’ experiences and lessons from award-winning games World’s finest guide for how to begin thinking about procedural design Summary Making a game can be an intensive process, and if not planned accurately can easily run over budget. The use of procedural generation in game design can help with the intricate and multifarious aspects of game development; thus facilitating cost reduction. This form of development enables games to create their play areas, objects and stories based on a set of rules, rather than relying on the developer to handcraft each element individually. Readers will learn to create randomized maps, weave accidental plotlines, and manage complex systems that are prone to unpredictable behavior. Tanya Short’s and Tarn Adams’ Procedural Generation in Game Design offers a wide collection of chapters from various experts that cover the implementation and enactment of procedural generation in games. Designers from a variety of studios provide concrete examples from their games to illustrate the many facets of this emerging sub-discipline.
2021-05-08 22:52:46 17.89MB игры дизайн Unity
主要介绍了python实现生命游戏的示例代码(Game of Life),小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
2021-05-08 13:44:55 42KB python 生命游戏
2021-05-08 13:37:22 4KB python game of life
"Preproduction Blueprint" is a complete system for planning your game environments and level designs. This could be for a playable level or a game environment exploration to show off in a portfolio.
2021-05-08 09:03:16 11.5MB 关卡设计 game design blueprint
包含完整源代码和电子书(CHM)   本书从网络基本知识入手,全面阐述了如何开发纯文字MUD游戏。并通过构建SimpleMUD和BetterMUD这两个MUD,重点讲述了如何实现MUD。   本书是游戏开发经典丛书系列之一,适合游戏开发人员、业余游戏软件开发爱好者,也可以作为大专院校相关专业的参考书。   本书分为4大部分。第1部分介绍了计算机网络的基本知识、Winsock/Berkeley Sockets API以及多线程的概念;展示了本书所用的基本库BasicLib的所有类和函数;创建了一个套接字库SocketLib;介绍了MuD中最常用的 Telnet协议,并创建了一个简单的基于Telnet的聊天服务器SimpleChat。第2部分详细介绍了如何创建SimpleMUD。这是一个非常简单的MUD,但通过它说明了Mk)D编程的每一个概念,直到解决开发这种游戏时所遇到的每一个问题。在SimpleMUD中,游戏的物理层和逻辑层全部采用c++代码来编写。第3部分描述了如何创建BetterMUD,它是一个非常灵活的MUD,比SimpleMUD要复杂得多。当代MUD游戏的主要特性全都包含在BetterMUD中。在BetterMUD中,使用Python脚本语言构建灵活的逻辑层。第4部分附录在随书所带的光盘卜,包含可能需要了解的所有辅助信息。包括编译器的设置、套接字错误代码、c++基本知识和模板基本知识,另外还包括本书所用到的术语。   本书是游戏开发经典丛书系列之一,适合游戏开发人员、业余游戏软件开发爱好者,也可以作为大专院校相关专业的参考书。 MUD游戏程序设计,非常好的一本书。唯一一本专门讲MUD的书。网络程序部分写得很精彩。。。
2021-05-07 21:56:01 5.2MB Mud Game Programming Network
Learning C++ by Building Games with Unreal Engine 4: A beginner’s guide to learning 3D game development with C++ and UE4, 2nd Edition by Sharan Volin--July 1, 2019 English | 2018 | ISBN: 1788476249 | 468 Pages | EPUB | 1117 MB Create your own games using Unreal Engine 4 while learning the fundamentals of C++ programming Learning to program in C++ requires some serious motivation. Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a powerful C++ engine with a range of features used to create exciting games by AAA studios, which makes it an engaging way to get started with exploring C++17. This book starts by helping you install a code editor so you can begin to write C++17 code. You will then focus on C++ fundamentals such as variables, memory, conditional statements, and looping. Next, you will cover important programming constructs including functions, objects, classes, and inheritance. As you progress, you’ll delve into more advanced C++17 concepts, along with understanding the functionality of the UE4 engine. In the next few chapters, you will use the UE4 editor to create your own virtual world, and even program some seriously fun gameplay. After this, you’ll learn to build game features, along with using AI aspects such as pathfinding and behavior trees to build smart game entities. The concluding chapters will show you how to improve user interface (UI) feedback with Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG) and audio. In this new and updated edition, you’ll also get to grips with the latest VR and AR features available. By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to program effectively in C++17. What you will learn Learn the basics of C++ and understand basic UE4 editing Work with the UE4 editor and study the basics of using C++ and Blueprints within the engine Get up to speed with using basic C++ containers and data structures to store your game data Create players, non-player characters (NPCs), and monsters Give game information to users using the UE4 UMG UI system Gain a basic u
2021-05-07 18:01:22 64.23MB UE4 Unreal C++ Game