2022-05-18 20:43:29 7.6MB lowpower IC
2022-05-18 19:22:59 4.25MB 系统开源
2022-05-18 17:07:31 6.7MB glib code
网上AES代码乱七八糟,尝试找了好多,大部分不能用,或者有BUG。 这里用人家的C代码,自己简单的封装了个C++的,免得满大街去爬了。
2022-05-18 13:56:25 13KB AES C++
博文的配套源码 《 【Visual C++】游戏开发笔记十八 游戏物理建模(一) 匀速与加速运动》 ,文章地址为http://blog.csdn.net/zhmxy555/article/details/7496200, 源码编译环境为vs2010.其实vs2005,vs2008也可以编译运行,具体方法可以进我博客查看相关文章 我的博客地址是http://blog.csdn.net/zhmxy555,源码结合我的文章一起看效果更佳 希望能和大家一起交流,共同学习,共同进步。
2022-05-18 11:13:53 4.65MB C++ 游戏开发 demo 源代码
Software Design X-Rays Fix Technical Debt with Behavioral Code Analysis Welcome, dear reader—I’m happy to have you here! Together we’ll dive into the fascinating field of evolving software systems to learn how behavioral code analysis helps us make better decisions. This is important because our average software project is much less efficient than it could be. The history of large-scale software systems is a tale of cost overruns, death marches, and heroic fights with legacy code monsters. One prominent reason is technical debt, which represents code that’s more expensive to maintain than it should be. Repaying technical debt is hard due to the scale of modern software projects; with hundreds of developers and a multitude of technologies, no one has a holistic overview. We’re about to change that. In this book, you learn a set of techniques that gives you an easily accessible overview of your codebase, together with methods to prioritize improvements based on the expected return on investment. That means you’ll be comfortable with picking up any large-scale codebase, analyzing it, and suggesting specific refactorings based on how the developers have worked with the code so far. Good code is as much about social design as it is about technical concerns. We reflect that by learning to uncover organizational inefficiencies, resolve coordination bottlenecks among teams, and assess the consequences of knowledge loss in your organization.
2022-05-18 10:05:36 10.45MB 设计模式 软件工程  
3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes 非扫描版
2022-05-18 09:42:51 12.84MB 3D Engine
maxim code review
2022-05-18 09:00:43 17KB 综合资源
*******项目:指纹识别系统*******-描述:基于与欧氏距离和滤波器Gabor的匹配,发现最不发达的指纹识别技术。 -工作方式:仅在Matlab PathWork中运行此文件:“ Finger_Print_Project.p”-教程视频:https://youtu.be/OtvB_Ni28G0 ******************** **请捐赠以获取完整的源代码。**************************链接:https://matlab-recognition-code.com / matlab-fingerprint-recognition-system-full-source-code /----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------开发人员:博士,突尼斯莫纳斯提尔科学学院的Hamdi Boukamcha。 电子邮件:Contact@matlab-recognition-code.com WhatsAPP:+21650674269网站:http
2022-05-17 16:28:41 5.65MB 开源软件