找人要到的英文原版说明书,对应PSAT 2011年 2.1.6版本,中文翻译的说明书过于简略,这份英文说明书对命令行(command line usage)的说明更详细,推荐。
2019-12-21 20:47:40 4.84MB 2011年 PSAT 最新版本 英文说明书
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2019-12-21 20:46:08 112.71MB 2019最新 考研天勤 计算机网络 高分笔记
《Clean Code(评注版)》提出一种观念:代码质量与其整洁度成正比。干净的代码,既在质量上较为可靠,也为后期维护、升级奠定了良好的基础。《Clean Code(评注版)》作者给出了一系列行之有效的整洁代码操作实践。这些实践在《Clean Code(评注版)》中体现为一条条规则(或称“启示”)
2019-12-21 20:45:32 14.67MB 代码清理 开发思想
PyTorch 英文新书,全名:Deep Learning with PyTorch: A practical approach to building neural network models using PyTorch ----------------------- Table of Contents 1.Getting Started with Pytorch for Deep Learning 2.Mathematical building blocks of Neural Networks 3.Getting Started with Neural Networks 4.Fundamentals of Machine Learning 5.Deep Learning for Computer Vision 6.Natural Language Processing for PyTorch 7.Advanced neural network architectures 8.Generative networks 9.Conclusion
2019-12-21 20:45:03 10.64MB pytorch deep learnin
本资源是以压缩包的形式的, 里面是一个 “TXT”的文档, 文档中 有“百度云” 分享的链接, 这本书太大,上传不上来,所以以这样的方式上传。永久有效, 有问题的话,可以联系我,里面留有本人的QQ。 作者: Unity Technologies 出版社: 中国铁道出版社 内容简介 · · · · · · 本书基于Unity 5.0软件及以上版本,对Unity 5 中的大量图形改进和扩展的编辑器功能集进行讲解。另外,对Unity Cloud Build的使用进行详细介绍,使开发者通过云进行游戏和应用开发。 为了使Unity 3D在中国得到更好的发展,作为官方仅有的的配备用书,本书对原先的4.X进行完美升级。Unity 5 引擎支持包括 Mac OS X、安卓、iOS、Windows 等在内的23个平台发布。目前,利用Unity游戏引擎开发的游戏终端有手机、平板和台式机等。有多所高校购买了Unity软件,并在高校的课程中开始讲授。 本书适用于对Unity 感兴趣的读者使用,也可作为从事Unity 3D 工作的工作人员的参考书,更适用于Unity 培训的学校或者机构使用。 部分章节目录 初 识 篇 第 1 章 认识Unity引擎 1 1.1Unity简介 2 1.2Unity发展史 3 1.3Unity 5.0 4 第 2 章 Unity开发案例介绍 7 2.1Unity游戏介绍 8 2.2Unity非游戏应用 11 第 3 章软件安装、授权与服务 13 3.1软件安装 14 3.1.1在Windows下的安装 14 3.1.2在Mac下的安装 17 3.2授权 19 3.3服务 23 第 4 章Unity开发资源介绍 25 4.1Unity Asset Store资源商店 26 4.1.1Asset Store简介 26 4.1.2Asset Store使用方法 27 4.2其他服务 31 4.2.1Unity Ads服务 31 4.2.2Unity Game Analytics服务 32 4.2.3Unity Cloud Build服务 32 4.2.4Everyplay服务 33 操作 篇 第 5 章Unity编辑器 35 5.1界面布局 36 5.1.1导航窗口 37 5.1.2界面布局 39 5.1.3界面定制 40 5.2打开范例工程 41 5.3工具栏 44 5.3.1Transform Tools(变换工具) 45 5.3.2Transform Gizmo Tools(变换辅助工具) 48 5.3.3Play(播放控制) 48 5.3.4Layers(分层下拉列表) 49 5.3.5Layout(布局下拉列表) 49 5.4菜单栏 49 5.4.1File(文件)菜单 49 5.4.2Edit(编辑)菜单 52 5.4.3Assets(资源)菜单 53 5.4.4GameObject(游戏对象)菜单 53 5.4.5Component(组件)菜单 54 5.4.6Window(窗口)菜单 54 5.4.7Help(帮助)菜单 55 5.5常用工作视图 55 5.5.1Project(项目)视图 55 5.5.2Scene(场景)视图 58 5.5.3Game(游戏)视图 64 5.5.4Inspector(检视)视图 67 5.5.5Hierarchy(层级)视图 68 5.5.6Console(控制台)视图 69 5.5.7Animation(动画)视图 70 5.5.8Animator(动画控制器)视图 70 5.5.9Sprite Editor(Sprite编辑器) 71 5.5.10Sprite Packer(Sprite打包工具) 73 5.5.11Lightmaps(光照贴图烘焙)视图 75 5.5.12Occlusion(遮挡剔除)视图 76 5.5.13Navigation(导航寻路)视图 76 5.5.14Version Control(版本控制)视图 77 5.5.15Asset Store(资源商店) 77
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《快学Scala》英文第二版: Scala for the Impatient Second Edition Cay S. Horstmann 目录: 1 THE BASICS A1 1 1.1 The Scala Interpreter 1 1.2 Declaring Values and Variables 4 1.3 Commonly Used Types 5 1.4 Arithmetic and Operator Overloading 6 1.5 More about Calling Methods 8 1.6 The apply Method 9 1.7 Scaladoc 10 Exercises 15 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS A1 17 2.1 Conditional Expressions 18 2.2 Statement Termination 19 2.3 Block Expressions and Assignments 20 vii Contents2.4 Input and Output 21 2.5 Loops 22 2.6 Advanced for Loops 24 2.7 Functions 25 2.8 Default and Named Arguments L1 26 2.9 Variable Arguments L1 26 2.10 Procedures 28 2.11 Lazy Values L1 28 2.12 Exceptions 29 Exercises 31 3 WORKING WITH ARRAYS A1 35 3.1 Fixed-Length Arrays 35 3.2 Variable-Length Arrays: Array Buffers 36 3.3 Traversing Arrays and Array Buffers 37 3.4 Transforming Arrays 38 3.5 Common Algorithms 40 3.6 Deciphering Scaladoc 41 3.7 Multidimensional Arrays 42 3.8 Interoperating with Java 43 Exercises 44 4 MAPS AND TUPLES A1 47 4.1 Constructing a Map 48 4.2 Accessing Map Values 48 4.3 Updating Map Values 49 4.4 Iterating over Maps 50 4.5 Sorted Maps 50 4.6 Interoperating with Java 50 4.7 Tuples 51 4.8 Zipping 52 Exercises 52 viii Contents5 CLASSES A1 55 5.1 Simple Classes and Parameterless Methods 55 5.2 Properties with Getters and Setters 56 5.3 Properties with Only Getters 59 5.4 Object-Private Fields 60 5.5 Bean Properties L1 61 5.6 Auxiliary Constructors 62 5.7 The Primary Constructor 63 5.8 Nested Classes L1 66 Exercises 68 6 OBJECTS A1 71 6.1 Singletons 71 6.2 Companion Objects 72 6.3 Objects Extending a Class or Trait 73 6.4 The apply Method 73 6.5 Application Objects 74 6.6 Enumerations 75 Exercises 77 7 PACKAGES AND IMPORTS A1 79 7.1 Packages 80 7.2 Scope Rules 81 7.3 Chained Package Clauses 83 7.4 Top-of-File Notation 83 7.5 Package Objects 83 7.6 Package Visibility 84 7.7 Imports 85 7.8 Imports Can Be Anywhere 85 7.9 Renaming and Hiding Members 86 7.10 Implicit Imports 86 Exercises 87 ix Contents8 INHERITANCE A1 91 8.1 Extending a Class 91 8.2 Overriding Methods 92 8.3 Type Checks and Casts 93 8.4 Protected Fields and Methods 94 8.5 Superclass Construction 94 8.6 Overriding Fields 95 8.7 Anonymous Subclasses 97 8.8 Abstract Classes 97 8.9 Abstract Fields 97 8.10 Construction Order and Early Definitions L3 98 8.11 The Scala Inheritance Hierarchy 100 8.12 Object Equality L1 102 8.13 Value Classes L2 103 Exercises 105 9 FILES AND REGULAR EXPRESSIONS A1 109 9.1 Reading Lines 109 9.2 Reading Characters 110 9.3 Reading Tokens and Numbers 111 9.4 Reading from URLs and Other Sources 111 9.5 Reading Binary Files 112 9.6 Writing Text Files 112 9.7 Visiting Directories 112 9.8 Serialization 113 9.9 Process Control A2 114 9.10 Regular Expressions 116 9.11 Regular Expression Groups 117 Exercises 118 10 TRAITS L1 121 10.1 Why No Multiple Inheritance? 121 10.2 Traits as Interfaces 123 10.3 Traits with Concrete Implementations 124 x Contents10.4 Objects with Traits 125 10.5 Layered Traits 125 10.6 Overriding Abstract Methods in Traits 127 10.7 Traits for Rich Interfaces 127 10.8 Concrete Fields in Traits 128 10.9 Abstract Fields in Traits 130 10.10 Trait Construction Order 130 10.11 Initializing Trait Fields 132 10.12 Traits Extending Classes 133 10.13 Self Types L2 134 10.14 What Happens under the Hood 135 Exercises 137 11 OPERATORS L1 141 11.1 Identifiers 142 11.2 Infix Operators 143 11.3 Unary Operators 143 11.4 Assignment Operators 144 11.5 Precedence 144 11.6 Associativity 145 11.7 The apply and update Methods 146 11.8 Extractors L2 147 11.9 Extractors with One or No Arguments L2 149 11.10 The unapplySeq Method L2 149 11.11 Dynamic Invocation L2 150 Exercises 153 12 HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTIONS L1 157 12.1 Functions as Values 157 12.2 Anonymous Functions 159 12.3 Functions with Function Parameters 160 12.4 Parameter Inference 160 12.5 Useful Higher-Order Functions 161 12.6 Closures 162 xi Contents12.7 SAM Conversions 163 12.8 Currying 164 12.9 Control Abstractions 166 12.10 The return Expression 167 Exercises 168 13 COLLECTIONS A2 171 13.1 The Main Collections Traits 172 13.2 Mutable and Immutable Collections 173 13.3 Sequences 174 13.4 Lists 175 13.5 Sets 177 13.6 Operators for Adding or Removing Elements 178 13.7 Common Methods 180 13.8 Mapping a Function 182 13.9 Reducing, Folding, and Scanning A3 184 13.10 Zipping 187 13.11 Iterators 188 13.12 Streams A3 189 13.13 Lazy Views A3 190 13.14 Interoperability with Java Collections 191 13.15 Parallel Collections 193 Exercises 194 14 PATTERN MATCHING AND CASE CLASSES A2 197 14.1 A Better Switch 198 14.2 Guards 199 14.3 Variables in Patterns 199 14.4 Type Patterns 200 14.5 Matching Arrays, Lists, and Tuples 201 14.6 Extractors 202 14.7 Patterns in Variable Declarations 203 14.8 Patterns in for Expressions 204 14.9 Case Classes 205 xii Contents14.10 The copy Method and Named Parameters 205 14.11 Infix Notation in case Clauses 206 14.12 Matching Nested Structures 207 14.13 Are Case Classes Evil? 208 14.14 Sealed Classes 209 14.15 Simulating Enumerations 209 14.16 The Option Type 210 14.17 Partial Functions L2 211 Exercises 212 15 ANNOTATIONS A2 215 15.1 What Are Annotations? 216 15.2 What Can Be Annotated? 216 15.3 Annotation Arguments 217 15.4 Annotation Implementations 218 15.5 Annotations for Java Features 219 15.5.1 Java Modifiers 219 15.5.2 Marker Interfaces 220 15.5.3 Checked Exceptions 220 15.5.4 Variable Arguments 221 15.5.5 JavaBeans 221 15.6 Annotations for Optimizations 222 15.6.1 Tail Recursion 222 15.6.2 Jump Table Generation and Inlining 223 15.6.3 Eliding Methods 224 15.6.4 Specialization for Primitive Types 225 15.7 Annotations for Errors and Warnings 226 Exercises 227 16 XML PROCESSING A2 229 16.1 XML Literals 230 16.2 XML Nodes 230 16.3 Element Attributes 232 16.4 Embedded Expressions 233 xiii Contents16.5 Expressions in Attributes 234 16.6 Uncommon Node Types 235 16.7 XPath-like Expressions 235 16.8 Pattern Matching 237 16.9 Modifying Elements and Attributes 238 16.10 Transforming XML 239 16.11 Loading and Saving 239 16.12 Namespaces 242 Exercises 243 17 FUTURES A2 247 17.1 Running Tasks in the Future 248 17.2 Waiting for Results 250 17.3 The Try Class 251 17.4 Callbacks 251 17.5 Composing Future Tasks 252 17.6 Other Future Transformations 255 17.7 Methods in the Future Object 256 17.8 Promises 258 17.9 Execution Contexts 260 Exercises 260 18 TYPE PARAMETERS L2 265 18.1 Generic Classes 266 18.2 Generic Functions 266 18.3 Bounds for Type Variables 266 18.4 View Bounds 268 18.5 Context Bounds 268 18.6 The ClassTag Context Bound 269 18.7 Multiple Bounds 269 18.8 Type Constraints L3 269 18.9 Variance 271 18.10 Co- and Contravariant Positions 272 xiv Contents18.11 Objects Can’t Be Generic 274 18.12 Wildcards 275 Exercises 275 19 ADVANCED TYPES L2 279 19.1 Singleton Types 280 19.2 Type Projections 281 19.3 Paths 282 19.4 Type Aliases 283 19.5 Structural Types 283 19.6 Compound Types 284 19.7 Infix Types 285 19.8 Existential Types 286 19.9 The Scala Type System 287 19.10 Self Types 288 19.11 Dependency Injection 289 19.12 Abstract Types L3 291 19.13 Family Polymorphism L3 293 19.14 Higher-Kinded Types L3 296 Exercises 299 20 PARSING A3 303 20.1 Grammars 304 20.2 Combining Parser Operations 305 20.3 Transforming Parser Results 307 20.4 Discarding Tokens 308 20.5 Generating Parse Trees 309 20.6 Avoiding Left Recursion 310 20.7 More Combinators 311 20.8 Avoiding Backtracking 314 20.9 Packrat Parsers 314 20.10 What Exactly Are Parsers? 315 20.11 Regex Parsers 316 Contents xv20.12 Token-Based Parsers 317 20.13 Error Handling 319 Exercises 320 21 IMPLICITS L3 323 21.1 Implicit Conversions 324 21.2 Using Implicits for Enriching Existing Classes 324 21.3 Importing Implicits 325 21.4 Rules for Implicit Conversions 326 21.5 Implicit Parameters 328 21.6 Implicit Conversions with Implicit Parameters 329 21.7 Context Bounds 329 21.8 Type Classes 331 21.9 Evidence 333 21.10 The @implicitNotFound Annotation 334 21.11 CanBuildFrom Demystified 334 Exercises 336 Index 338
2019-12-21 20:39:30 14.89MB scala 快学scala 第二版
2019-12-21 20:38:44 34.8MB 51单片机
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2019-12-21 20:37:00 12.76MB 广告 计算广告