2022-11-29 19:49:48 46KB labview
其中一个实验内容如下 DFT的应用 1. 熟悉并在计算机上实现DFT的基本 运算公式; 2. 掌握频率轴的构造方法,学会对信 号进行谱分析; DFT的栅栏 DFT 基本公式的编程实现 (1) 已知数字信号 xn = cos(n 6 π ) , 其中n = 0,1,L11,在 matlab 中创建 m 文件(脚本)来计算 xn 的离散傅里叶变换; (2) 新建 m 文件,在编译器中键 入如下程序: clear close all clc %旋转因子 W N = 12; n = 0:N-1; WN = exp(-j*2*pi/N); w0 = pi/6; % 原始数据 x(n) x = cos(n*pi/6); % 变换结果 X = zeros(size(x)); for k = 0: N-1, X(k+1) = 0.0; for n = 0: N-1, X(k+1) = ????(补齐程序) end; end n = 0:N-1; k = 0:N-1; subplot(211); stem(n, x); subplot(212); stem(n
2022-11-29 19:28:44 3.03MB 数字信号处理
2022-11-29 18:53:39 26.93MB cpld
1、基于yolov5算法实现红绿灯识别检测源码+模型文件+评估指标曲线+使用说明 2、附有训练、loss(损失值)下降曲线、Recall(召回率)曲线、precision(精确度)曲线、mAP等评估指标曲线 3、识别4类别:红灯、绿灯、黄灯、交通灯 4、迭代200次,模型拟合较好。 【备注】有相关使用问题,可以私信留言跟博主沟通。
radarExplorer GUI 用于模拟来自简单点散射体的测量的反向散射信号。 此外,该软件还可用于探索 FFT 的使用,以及加窗和零填充数据的影响。 模型假设单站收发器、标量场(无极化)、各向同性辐射器(无波束图),所有点散射体的实值散射系数为 1。
2022-11-29 16:05:26 432KB matlab
1.将采集到的raw数据(PCM格式)编码为AAC格式数据。 2.将每帧数据添加ADTS header,以便解码播放。
本文首先对 GNSS 的定位原理进行介绍,然后研究分析了多种欺骗干扰的原 理以及所采取的干扰策略,明确了在不同功率策略下欺骗干扰的作用过程,并对 欺骗干扰对接收机的影响进行具体的阐释。
2022-11-29 09:00:43 1.75MB 卫星导航 抗干扰 定位
Fourier transforms are used everyday for solving single functions and combinations of functions found in radar and signal processing. Still, many problems that could have been solved by using Fourier transforms have gone unsolved because they require integration that is too computationally difficult. This manual demonstrates how you can solve those integration-intensive problems with an approach to carrying out Fourier transforms. By building upon Woodward's well-known "Rules and Pairs" method and related concepts and procedures, the text establishes a unified system that makes implicit the integration required for performing Fourier transforms on a wide variety of functions. It details how complex functions can be broken down to their constituent parts for analysis. This approach to applying Fourier transforms is illustrated with many specific examples from digital signal processing as well as radar and antenna operation.
2022-11-29 08:52:42 2.91MB 雷达信号处理
随机信号分析(第3版) 李易峰 习题及答案
2022-11-29 00:34:57 2.51MB 答案