2022-04-20 18:04:19 4.26MB java 面试 开发语言 职场和发展
中介效应(三步回归、Sobel检验、Bootstrap自抽样检验) Heckman两阶段回归结果 分组回归(组间系数检验) 工具变量回归模型(2SLS模型) 调节效应(包含画图分析) 中位数回归(解决极端值问题) PSM倾向性得分匹配回归结果 分享文件中包含代码以及示例数据,大家可以照着例子来运行! 顶刊示例: 相关研究: [1]王艳华.供应链弹性对流通绩效的影响分析—基于可持续性的中介效应[J].商业经济研究,2022(08):33-36. [2]李蕾,刘荣增.产业融合与制造业高质量发展:基于协同创新的中介效应[J].经济经纬,2022,39(02):78-87.DOI:10.15931/j.cnki.1006-1096.2022.02.004. [3]曾鑫,吴刘仓,曹幸运.混合偏正态数据下中位数回归模型的参数估计[J].昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版),2021,46(03):167-174.DOI:10.16112/j.cnki.53-1
2022-04-20 17:03:50 8.31MB 数据库
华为项目管理金种子培训PPT教材全集(低、中、高级) 华为IPD项目管理培训材料(华为项目六步一法) 华为内训教材-成功的项目管理-123页 华为项目经理经典培训PPT-158页 华为:客户重大项目管理流程培训 华为项目管理10大模板(可直接套用)
This chapter presents an overview of Universal Serial Bus 4 (USB4™) architecture and key concepts. USB4 is similar to earlier versions of USB in that it is a cable bus supporting data exchange between a host computer and a wide range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. However, USB4 also allows a host computer to setup data exchange between compatible peripherals. The attached peripherals share bandwidth as configured by the host computer. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in operation. When configured over a USB Type-C® connector interface, USB4 functionally replaces USB 3.2 while retaining USB 2.0 bus operating in parallel. Enhanced SuperSpeed USB, as defined in USB 3.2, remains the fundamental architecture for USB data transfer on a USB4 Fabric. The difference with USB4 versus USB 3.2 is that USB4 is a connection -oriented, tunneling architecture designed to combine multiple protocols onto a single physical interface, so that the total speed and performance of the USB4 Fabric can be dynamically shared. USB4 allows for USB data transfers to operate in parallel with other independent protocols specific to display, load/store and host-to-host interfaces. Additionally, USB4 extends performance beyond the 20 Gbps (Gen 2 x 2) of USB 3.2 to 40 Gbps (Gen 3 x 2) over the same dual-lane, dual-simplex architecture. This specification introduces the concept of protocol tunneling to USB bus architecture. Besides tunneling Enhanced SuperSpeed USB (USB3), display tunneling based on DisplayPort (DP) protocol and load/store tunneling based on PCI Express (PCIe) are defined. These protocol tunnels operate independently over the USB4 transport and physical layers. Additionally, USB4 allocates packets for bus configuration and management, and packe ts can be allocated specifically for host-to-host data connections.
2022-04-20 09:50:01 21.24MB USB4.0
2022-04-19 22:25:16 1.02MB MPAndroidCha jar
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数字孪生技术与工程实践模型-PPT合集,共七章节,内容可编辑。 ——————————————————————————————————————— 数字孪生的概念出现是最近10多年的事,但近3年来关于数字孪生的论文数井喷式增长。 今天,数字孪生已开始助力人类生产力的变革和升级,改变人们的生产和生活方式。 本子原内容在分析数字孪生基本概念的基础上,以智能制造和智能建造为基本切入点,阐述模型驱动方法和数据驱动智能的融合技术,为数字孪生的构建、设计和实现提供了技术指引。同时,结合典型软件平台,给出数字孪生系统的典型开发方法和具体实施案例,为国内企业实施数字孪生系统提供有益的参考。
2022-04-18 19:03:59 29.69MB 智能制造 数字孪生 工业4.0 两化融合
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2022-04-18 18:05:18 188.09MB python 知识图谱 开发语言 人工智能
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1、全面认识OKR(理论) 2、企业OKR实施方案与落地 3、OKR绩效考核表 4、OKR落地实施指南
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