2021-10-13 14:05:51 4.14MB 数字IC 汇顶科技 秋招笔试
2021-10-12 21:01:55 52.04MB 语音IC
Power Distribution Networks with On-Chip Decoupling Capacitors, 2nd edition is dedicated to distributing power in high speed, high complexity integrated circuits with power levels exceeding many tens of watts and power supplies below a volt. This book provides a broad and cohesive treatment of power distribution systems and related design problems, including both circuit network models and design techniques for on-chip decoupling capacitors. The book provides insight and intuition into the behavior and design of on-chip power distribution systems. This book has four primary objectives. The first objective is to describe the impedance characteristics of the overall power distribution system, from the voltage regulator through the printed circuit board and package onto the integrated circuit to the terminals of the on-chip circuitry. The second objective is to discuss the inductive characteristics of on-chip power distribution grids and the related circuit behavior of these structures. The third objective is to present design methodologies for efficiently placing on-chip decoupling capacitors in nanoscale integrated circuits. Finally, the fourth objective is to suggest novel architectures for distributing power across an integrated circuit, as well as provide new methodologies to efficiently analyze and design on-chip power grids. Organized into subareas to provide a more intuitive flow to the reader, this edition adds more than a hundred pages of new content, including inductance models for interdigitated structures, design strategies for multi-layer power grids, advanced methods for efficient power grid design and analysis, and methodologies for simultaneously placing on-chip multiple power supplies and decoupling capacitors. The emphasis of this additional material is on managing the complexity of on-chip power distribution networks.
2021-10-12 20:34:08 11.79MB PDN IC
2021-10-12 13:15:29 442KB CMOS IC 制造工艺
2021-10-11 13:30:29 44.39MB IC设计 华为 FPGA
本文档是AEC Q100国际标准文档,内含汽车领域芯片测试准则,供汽车电子行业实用
2021-10-11 11:56:54 842KB AEC Q100
中国密码行业标准 GM/T 0041-2015 《智能IC卡密码检测规范》 本标准规定了智能IC卡产品的检测项目及检测方法。 本标准适用于智能IC卡产品的密码检测,也可用于指导智能IC卡产品的研发。智能IC卡产品包括但不限于金融IC卡、公交IC卡等。
2021-10-11 09:48:44 877KB 商密 国密 国密标准 GM/T
2021-10-11 09:26:23 58.97MB uvm
此工具可以制作IC初始化卡。解决ic卡密码丢失,人员流动带走或厂家倒闭原因等。 主要功能:(针对M1,S50 F08 U10 NXP) 初始化不同的扇区,不同的密码,可以修改密码。实现一张卡一次性加密制作完成; 适合IC卡批量复制,加密ic卡,如物业一卡通,停车场,电梯门禁卡加密等,可以实现自动化加密.经测试,捷顺 红门 创通 富士 十思高 和酒店门卡等IC卡适用广泛。是工程商。大业主的好工具。
2021-10-11 02:08:42 466KB 捷顺 ic卡 ic卡加密 IC卡解密