win7 cdc 通用串口驱动
2021-07-26 20:06:40 2KB win7 cdc uart
Adafruit-PWM-Servo-Driver-Library:Adafruit PWM伺服驱动器库
2021-07-25 10:17:08 19KB arduino library servo arduino-library
Windows Driver Developement, WDF Development, WDM WDF Development
2021-07-25 06:54:02 4.73MB Windows Driver WDF WDM
2021-07-24 22:15:44 13.03MB jlink driver 4.68a
Modbus Poll Screen dumps(使用说明) This screen dump show modbus poll with 2 data views open. The first line shows the number of polls, errors, slave number, function and scan rate. When holding registers or status coils are viewed, you can double click on a number in order to write a value to the slave. Can write a single register. Simple write multiple coils to a slave. Screen dump of communication traffic. You can save the data to a text file. Use the test center to compose your own strings Connection setup. The RTS toggle can be used for direction switch if a dumb RS232/485 converter is used.
2021-07-23 20:00:16 4KB driver
2021-07-23 14:28:37 559KB wince
Driver Booster Pro 是来自国外知名互联网公司IObit的一款优秀的电脑硬件驱动更新软件,拥有总数超过3500000+并全部通过严Microsoft WHQL测试和符合严格的Iobit审查规则的海量各种不同类型的超大型硬件驱动数据库,支持按计划自动扫描并识别过时,缺失和故障的驱动程序,可精准识别更多硬以及罕见硬件件并为其匹配最新兼容性最好的驱动程序,并可不保证杜绝过时的低版本以及兼容性不好的驱动,以便于硬件发挥最理想的应有性能,支持当系统空闲时自动更新所选类型的驱动程序,并且可以做到当出现任何意外情况,将自动备份以前的驱动程序,威航软件园分享的最新版本的Driver Booster Pro还引入了游戏加速功能和免打扰模式,可一键加速系统释放更多运行内存并阻止不必要的其它进程,游戏进程赋予更高的运行优先级,另外在更新游戏准备好的驱动程序和组件,以帮助用户享受更快的游戏启动,同时还可忽略通知,让玩家专注游戏或者其他专项工作,享受全新的游戏功能和更流畅的工作学习体验,想知道驱动更新用什么软件好吗,IObit Driver Booster一定是个相当明智的选择。
2021-07-22 21:01:07 905KB DJI WIN
This driver is to support Nu-Link to work under Keil RVMDK Development Environment for all NuMicro Family Devices
2021-07-22 18:36:06 25.32MB nu-link IAR driver
Silicon Laboratories and Keil Software have teamed to provide support for the C8051F family of MCUs in the Keil µVision2 and µVision3 state-of-the-art development platforms. The µVision debug driver allows the Keil µVision2 and µVision3 IDEs to communicate with Silicon Laboratories on-chip debug logic. In-system Flash memory programming integrated into the driver allows you to rapidly update target code. The µVision2 and µVision3 IDEs can be used to start and stop program execution, set breakpoints, check variables, inspect and modify memory contents, and single-step through programs running on your actual target hardware. This release (v3.60) of the µVision Driver includes: Added support for the C8051F960/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 devices Added support for the Si1020/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 devices Added support for the Si1030/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 devices Added support for C8051F380/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 devices Added support for C8051T620/1 and C8051T320/1/2/3 devices Added support for C8051T622/3 and C8051T326/7 devices
2021-07-22 16:34:14 4.21MB SiC8051F_uVision3.6 Si8051F驱动