如何通过Win10系统进行SQL Server 2014的下载和安装-附件资源
2021-10-28 13:32:09 106B
2021-10-27 10:10:15 322KB 自然科学 论文
ISO-IEC 14496-15 2014文档,关于h264和H265NAL在MP4标准容器中的格式(Carriage of network abstraction layer (NAL) unit structured video in the ISO base media file format),需要结合part12(ISO base media file format)一起看
2021-10-26 23:12:20 881KB ISO-IEC 14496-15 2014 MPEG
Dive deeper into data analysis with the flexibility of Python and learn how its extensive range of scientific and mathematical libraries can be used to solve some of the toughest challenges in data analysis. Build your confidence and expertise and develop valuable skills in high demand in a world driven by Big Data with this expert data analysis book. This data science tutorial will help you learn how to effectively retrieve, clean, manipulate, and visualize data and establish a successful data analysis workflow. Apply the impressive functionality of Python's data mining tools and scientific and numerical libraries to a range of the most important tasks within data analysis and data science, and develop strategies and ideas to take control your own data analysis projects. Get to grips with statistical analysis using NumPy and SciPy, visualize data with Matplotlib, and uncover sophisticated insights through predictive analytics and machine learning with SciKit-Learn. You will also learn how to use the tools needed to work with databases and find out how Python can be used to analyze textual and social media data, as you work through this essential data science tutorial.
2021-10-26 22:58:42 24.13MB Python Data Analysis NumPy
Adobe公司推出的经典教程 畅销全球20年的图书 在全世界以27种语言火爆发行 以实例引导的正规学习用书。 让每位Photoshop用户有机会学习Adobe专家的使用技巧。 提供完整教学资源:素材文件、复习题及答案。 学习如何校正、修饰和修复数码照片;创建合成图像;准备用于打印和Web的图像;使用动作来自动执行任务;编辑视频,包括过渡和动感效果;使用内容感知工具无缝地修复图像;准备和打印3D对象。 本书提供了学习Adobe Photoshop 的快、简单、全面的学习方式。 Adobe Press出版的经典教程系列图书是市面上畅销的Adobe软件培训用书,该系列图书由Adobe产品专家开发,并得到了Adobe公司的授权和认可。 本书包含了Adobe Photoshop 的基础知识,提供了大量的提示和技术,帮助读者更高效率地使用Photoshop软件。您可以按照顺序逐章阅读,也可以挑选感兴趣的课程学习。
2021-10-26 22:15:23 109.32MB Adobe Photoshop CS6
2021-10-26 22:02:32 137KB
2014-2015年人教版小学五年级数学上册期中测试题(免费下载 精选两套).pdf
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