2019-12-21 21:09:41 2.48MB IOCP 高并发 SOCKET 最全例子
2019-12-21 21:09:41 2.48MB DELPHI 高并发 完成端口
Get to grips with modern software demands by learning the effective uses of Rust's powerful memory safety. Key Features Learn and improve the sequential performance characteristics of your software Understand the use of operating system processes in a high-scale concurrent system Learn of the various coordination methods available in the Standard library Book Description Most programming languages can really complicate things, especially with regard to unsafe memory access. The burden on you, the programmer, lies across two domains: understanding the modern machine and your language's pain-points. This book will teach you to how to manage program performance on modern machines and build fast, memory-safe, and concurrent software in Rust. It starts with the fundamentals of Rust and discusses machine architecture concepts. You will be taken through ways to measure and improve the performance of Rust code systematically and how to write collections with confidence. You will learn about the Sync and Send traits applied to threads, and coordinate thread execution with locks, atomic primitives, data-parallelism, and more. The book will show you how to efficiently embed Rust in C++ code and explore the functionalities of various crates for multithreaded applications. It explores implementations in depth. You will know how a mutex works and build several yourself. You will master radically different approaches that exist in the ecosystem for structuring and managing high-scale systems. By the end of the book, you will feel comfortable with designing safe, consistent, parallel, and high-performance applications in Rust. What you will learn Probe your programs for performance and accuracy issues Create your own threading and multi-processing environment in Rust Use coarse locks from Rust’s Standard library Solve common synchronization problems or avoid synchronization using atomic programming Build lock-free/wait-free structures in Rust and understand their implementat
2019-12-21 21:07:23 1.9MB rust concurrency 并发 rust语言
2019-12-21 21:05:44 13KB 并发式聊天室
C++教程网 大并发高性能高可用可伸缩性服务器开发视频教程
2019-12-21 21:04:25 81B C++
C++网络编程 卷1和卷2 (中文pdf版)
2019-12-21 20:57:11 34.63MB C++网络编程 并发
书是讲述下一代编程语言Erlang 的权威著作,主要涵盖顺序型编程、异常处理、编译和运行代码、并发编程、并发编程中的错误处理、分布式编程、多核编程等内容。本书将帮助读者在消息传递的基础上构建分布式的并发系统,免去锁与互斥技术的羁绊,使程序在多核CPU 上高效运行。本书讲述的各种设计方法和行为将成为设计容错与分布式系统中的利器。.
2019-12-21 20:53:29 41.13MB Erlang OTP实战
Java秒杀系统方案优化 高性能高并发实战(附源码)Java秒杀系统方案优化 高性能高并发实战(附源码)
2019-12-21 20:49:15 160B java redis
Java秒杀系统方案优化-高性能高并发实战 数据库sql文件
2019-12-21 20:47:00 3KB Java 秒杀系统 数据库 sql文件
2019-12-21 20:45:25 5.28MB qt 并发服务器 tcp 员工管理系统